A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

UC Berkeley Latino Exhibit Examines Central American Migration

La Bestia is the popular name for the freight train that as many as a half-million Central American migrants a year ride during a perilous journey through Mexico to the United States border. The exhibit, organized by the Colectivo de Artistas contra la Discriminación (Artists Collective against Discrimination) explores that experience through art and poetry, the center says in an announcement.

Tags: Facilitation, cooperation, exhibit, la bestia, art, poetry, migration, central america, uc berkeley

Zambia Ignites UK Investor Interest

Representatives of Zambia’s Public-Private Partnership Unit (PPP) returned at the weekend from a visit to the United Kingdom where they presented project opportunities valued at more than USD 22 billion to prospective investors. [...] “Our motives are clear. More and better roads, railways, energy, water, sanitation and housing will improve productivity in our economy, create jobs and lift Zambians out of poverty.’’

Tags: foreign aid, investment, economic development, cooperation, railways, sanitation, housing, energy, water, zambia, uk

Why Foreign Aid is Just as Powerful as Diplomacy and Defense

Since the Bush administration created the doctrine of the three D’s — Defense, Diplomacy and Development — after 9/11, diplomacy and development have often been conflated as part of policy-makers arsenal of soft power tools. Confusing the two very distinct, but equally important, disciplines does a disservice to both and has often compromised their effectiveness. 

Tags: foreign aid, soft power, defense, development, modern threats, disease, famine, migration, op-ed

Would the Real Diplomacy Please Stand Up!

In a recent CPD Blog post, Shaun Riordan appeals to us to "stop inventing 'new diplomacies'" and argues that "we must end the obsession with creating new 'types' of diplomacy." [...] Should we, as scholars and practitioners of diplomacy, be concerned? [...] Rather than a categorical rejection, the proper response is to sharpen our intellectual tools and get to work.

Tags: real diplomacy, new diplomacy, profession, practice, diplomatic lens

NICE Festival a Multicultural Mash-Up at Norwalk’s Oyster Shell Park

Dancers, musicians, craft vendors and foods from around the globe await visitors to Norwalk’s Oyster Shell Park on Saturday, July 8. Janet Evelyn, founder and executive director of the Norwalk International Cultural Exchange, said the rain-or-shine multicultural event will offer a full day of performances and traditional offerings.

Tags: cultural exchange, NICE, multiculturalism, diversity, performances, traditional offerings, ethnic festival, norwalk oyster shell park, norwalk

Humanitarian Assistance for War-Torn Iraq

New Zealand will contribute $1.5 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross for crucial humanitarian assistance in Iraq, Foreign Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced. [...] “The funding will help meet critical humanitarian needs through providing emergency food, water, healthcare and household items to affected people.

Tags: humanitarian aid, international aid, international committee of the red cross, emergency food, water, healthcare, new zealand, iraq

Westminster Debate Addresses Christian Persecution

The plight of persecuted Christians around the world has been discussed at Parliament. [...] Christian ministers working in the Foreign and Commonwealth office as well as the Department for International Aid said they would work together to take a more serious approach to religious persecution.

Tags: international advocacy, christianity, persecution, british embassies, westminster, united kingdom

Irish Aid Secretary General visits Uganda

The Irish Aid Secretary General, Niall Burgess, arrived in Uganda for a five day visit. [...] According to Daniel Cronin, the Irish Ambassador to Uganda, Ireland has invested over 500 million Euros in Uganda since the embassy was opened in 1994.

Tags: international aid, irish aid office, infrastructural improvements, curricular reform, teacher education, humanitarianism, ireland, uganda


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