A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Sheikh Mohammed Rides Dubai World Cup Horse Race to Sell UAE Image

But for this small Gulf nation, which boasts the world’s fourth-largest known oil reserves but is situated in one of the world’s most troubled regions, the World Cup is far more than just a horse race.

Tags: dubai, world cup, horse racing, united arab emirates, sheikh mohammed, international exchange, global image

Donors Pledge $4bn in Humanitarian Aid for Syrians

The international community has pledged $3.8bn to tackle the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Syria – less than half the amount the UN says is needed this year to help the millions of people affected by the ongoing conflict.

Tags: syria, united nations, global aid and development, european union, kuwait, united states

Clinging to Power: Does Britain Still Matter?

As the Cold War took global grip, the United States purposefully pushed Britain aside. The U.S. took over its military bases, its spheres of influence, and its markets. Conscious of its decline, London clung, slightly pathetically, to what it termed its "special relationship" with Washington. 

Tags: britain, power, elections, united states, foreign policy, barack obama, nato, united nations, government pd, u.k.-u.s. relationship

Sun Tzu and the Art of Soft Power?

In China, there has been a trend recently to use Sun Tzu and The Art of War as a source of soft power for China’s peaceful development strategy. This trend is present in the 2014 9th International Symposium on Sun Tzu’s Art of War hosted by the Chinese Academy of Military Science titled “Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Peace, Coopberation and Development.” 

Tags: sun tzu, the art of war, soft power, china, international symposium, development, peaceful development, Cultural Diplomacy

Iran's Power Rises, With or Without Deal

Deal or no deal in the Iranian nuclear talks, Tehran is already behaving like it's made a killing. Sure, U.S. and international sanctions inflicted staggering damage on Iran's economy, convincing the longtime American foe to join talks aimed at limiting its nuclear program.

Tags: iran, power, nuclear talks, united states, sanctions, deadline, international status, arab spring, obama, government pd

China Seeks to Brush Up on Global Image

 After a slew of negative opinion polls, China is working to improve its global image. A global opinion poll by WorldPublicOpion.org found that public views of China have declined. Another poll – conducted by the Pew Research Center - found that United States’ global image remains more positive than China’s.

Tags: china, global image, public opinion, public diplomacy, apec, united states

A Continent Enfeebled by Economic Crisis

In updating its security strategy, the EU should avoid setting itself unrealistic ambitions. Restoring Europe’s soft power means, first and foremost, putting Europe’s own political and economic house in order.

Tags: european union, hard power, soft power, public diplomacy, safety and security

Involving Religious Communities in Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy

The religionization of politics and the politicization of religion, especially in the current environment on the global war on terror, means that increasingly religion plays a role in diplomacy both as an opportunity for engagement and as a motivation inspiring actors.

Tags: indonesia, public diplomacy, religion, Cultural Diplomacy, south asia, faith diplomacy


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