A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

NATO Launched the First Ever #WeAreNATO Campaign

Agenda and MHP Communications has launched #WeAreNato, the organization's first major communications campaign in nearly a decade.[...] "Helping NATO reach audiences in more than 28 member countries and to explain its mission of guaranteeing peace and security for its citizens in the kind of work we love to do." [...] According to Agenda, the framework contract encompasses a wide variety of communications, public affairs and creative media relations. 

Tags: nato, u.s., soft power, Euro-Atlantic, Donald Trump, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media diplomacy, social media, international cooperation, #WeAreNATO

UN Ocean Conference, Highlights Blue Economy and Waste Management

On the second day of the UN Ocean Conference, side events focused on the ocean economy; global cooperation on ocean science; and environmentally sound waste management. [...] Representing the shipping industry, Carl Carlsson, described PPP collaboration method and project platform for safer, more energy-efficient maritime transport. A presentation ceremony appreciated The Seychelles, for innovative financing; Norway, for promoting professional involvement in ocean science; UN Environment to reduce plastic in the ocean, etc. 

Tags: international advocacy, united nations, blue economy, waste management, sustainable development goals, international development, ngos, civic society, sweden

Can South Korea Exploit Its Generation Gap to Strengthen Digital Diplomacy?

In 2016-17, South Korea accepted around 40 cadets into the KNDA. [...] They undergo a rigorous training program, which includes public administration, languages, international law, regional and international affairs. Adding an additional well-structured and interactive applied course on digital diplomacy as a component of communication or public diplomacy is essential. Cadets would learn topics from account establishment to team coordination across multiple platforms, and be ready as a cadre of interactive, dedicated voices of South Korea within one semester.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media diplomacy, social media, digital media, Digital Media Strategy, generational gap, south korea

Ramadan Diplomacy: Turkish Government Hosts Envoys at Iftar Dinner

The ambassadors of countries with embassies in Turkey attended an iftar (fast-breaking) dinner Tuesday evening hosted by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in the capital Ankara. [...] Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to Turkey, whose country spearheaded efforts to isolate Qatar over what it calls support for extremists, was seated near Qatari Ambassador as both envoys briefly engaged in a warm conversation, according to a journalist from Hürriyet daily who attended the dinner.

Tags: Ramadan diplomacy, turkey, faith diplomacy, religious diplomacy, saudi arabia, qatar, ramadan

Qatar Finally Goes Too Far: World Cup 2022 Threatened?

Now that Qatar is embroiled in controversy with nearly the entire Sunni Islamic world, led by Saudi Arabia, the 2022 FIFA World Cup is suddenly at risk. The Qatar World Cup has been dogged by controversy since the day it was announced in 2012. But even years of international and humanitarian moral outrage could not do to Qatar what Saudi Arabia proved able to do almost instantly: isolate Qatar’s ruling emir and take away his biggest soft-power achievement.

Tags: qatar, saudi arabia, soft power, world cup, sports diplomacy, fifa, Gulf, middle east, human rights

Government Isn't Just Another Brand to be Marketed

Recently an interesting debate arose over the fundamental meaning of branding. [...] The project's founder, Simon Anholt, is known for the concept of “nation branding,” also known as “place branding,” which seeks to enhance the images of nations much the way companies try to bolster the reputations of their products. [...] “My belief, backed up by much research (nearly 400 billion data points from 10 years of the Nation Brands Index), has long been that there’s no such thing as place “branding” and that countries are judged by what they do rather than by what they say."

Tags: soft power, nation branding, foreign policy, political values, non-governmental organization, ngo, civil society

Music - A Diplomatic Tool? European Forum on Music Aims to Bridge Cultures

Can music really build bridges of understanding amid conflicts? Participants at the 2017 European Forum on Music in Cyprus think so, though they admit that music can also become a weapon. [...] On Saturday, June 10, music will bridge that divide when Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot musicians take the stage together in Pafos to perform at the 2017 European Forum on Music.

Tags: music diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural bridge, cultural exchange, art & culture, music, cyprus, European Forum on Music

Infographic: PM Narendra Modi's 3 Years on Facebook

Technology allows governments and citizens to communicate faster and more effectively. In the age of “digital diplomacy”, the ability to harness digital platforms effectively to engage people, exchange ideas and deliver key messages is more important than ever. Prime Minister Narendra Modi provides a great example of digital diplomacy done well by a head of a state. His use of digital tools has been central to his success both as a politician and India’s global advocate-in-chief.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media diplomacy, social media, facebook, PM Modi, narendra modi, india, infographic


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