A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

State Department Distances Itself from Trump, Creating an Alternate U.S. Foreign Policy

Nauert, a former Fox News host, waited five weeks before taking to the lectern to meet the State Department press corps, which is filled with seasoned diplomatic reporters steeped in the nuances of international issues. She was well prepared, firm but not combative and began by praising the diplomatic corps and the media for doing their jobs in service to the United States and the ideals America represents. The press corps, in turn, treated her with respect without pulling punches, a clear effort to set the relationship on the right foot and give her time to adjust to the new spotlight.

Tags: government pd, foreign policy, state department, Department of State

Don't Cheer China's Climate Progress Until It's for Real

Brown’s upcoming visit to Beijing will focus on keeping up the COP21 Paris accords momentum Trump wants to radically reverse. California’s aggressive stance on pollution controls and environmental standards will be highlighted. The governor wants to make a lasting difference in the world. [...] California’s interest and right to combat climate change and seek China’s support is understandable and has precedent. But what’s in it for China?

Tags: international advocacy, global influence, global leadership, climate change, Environmental Issues, Donald Trump, Jerry Brown, paris climate summit, COP21, china, u.s.

Californian Leader Visits China in Boost for Climate Change Fight

Efforts by China to forge a new global alliance on climate change and sidestep US president Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement were boosted after California governor Jerry Brown affirmed his state’s climate change alliance with Beijing. Mr Brown, governor of the state with the largest economy in the US, has been in China for a high-profile visit during which he pledged to co-operate in shaping global climate change policies and signed a deal with China to co-operate on clean technology.

Tags: california, china, bilateral relations, international climate negotiations, Paris Agreement, non-state pd, climate change, Environmental Issues

U.S. Zika Fears Rise as Trump Proposes Foreign Aid Cuts

Zika has faded from the media spotlight in recent months, but public health officials are gearing up for the virus to resurface as the summer brings warmer weather and mosquitos. The virus is linked to serious birth defects in babies of mothers who were infected while pregnant. But global health experts warn that the infectious disease and others like it will be much more difficult to contain in the future as Trump moves ahead with the reenactment and expansion of the Mexico City Policy, a ruling that blocks U.S.

Tags: zika, us foreign aid, non-state actors, Donald Trump, budget cuts, government pd, global health

Lower Makefield Couple Honored for Efforts in Bringing Peace, One Handshake at a Time

Attorney Tom Jennings said he was just looking to brush up on his Russian when he got involved in Citizen Diplomacy’s cultural exchange program in 1998. The Jennings have opened their home to more than three dozen visitors “and deal with many others,” said Tom.“The stories could go on forever, but the central theme is it’s an opportunity available to people in our area. Citizen Diplomacy is peacemaking at the retail level, one handshake at a time,” he said.

Tags: citizen diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, peacemaking, people-to-people diplomacy, people-to-people exchange, ngo

Conversations on Nation Brand Alignment To Be Held

Brand South Africa in collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, will host various stakeholders ... as part of its workshop to build South Africa’s competitiveness and a cohesive image of the South African Nation Brand. Government asserts that; “the Nation Brand alignment workshops are a critical part of achieving coordinated and coherent manner of presenting the country. This year we aim to further drive these conversations... making it inclusive and diverse with the core message, to build a strong Nation Branding.”

Tags: nation branding, international stage, global image, international image, Nation Image, non-state actors, south africa

Ghana to Host 2017 Open Data Conference

About 600 experts, representatives of the international development agencies and other stakeholders are to converge on Accra next month to discuss how to fast-track the implementation of an open data system in Africa. The regional conference with support from the global level and the World Bank will among other things discuss the progress and achievements of the open data industry. It has been a platform to raise awareness of and determine the next line of action in the effective implementation of the phenomenon in Africa.

Tags: international development, ghana, non-state pd, non-state actors, regional cooperation, world bank, data

Increasing Numbers of Engineering Students Take Advantage of Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

When students study abroad, they add a global perspective to their education, and they experience the personal growth that comes from living in a new culture. The College of Engineering has been working to promote and support study abroad experiences and international exchange programs for its students.One of these programs is an exchange program with Aarhus University in Denmark. In the fall, six engineering students and four students from the Sam M. Walton College of Business will be spending a year at Aarhus, while three Danish students come to the U of A.

Tags: international exchanges, education exchange, engineering, university of arkansas, denmark, cross-cultural exchange


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