A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Is US Monopoly on the Use of Soft Power at an End?

In fact it may be that the distinction between "hard" and "soft" power may be morphing into a new concept put forward by Prof Nye, that of "smart power".

Tags: soft power, joseph nye, china, niall ferguson, non-traditional forces, hollywood, technology, smart power

Diplomacy Through Cricket? It's All In How You Spin It

Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbors with some difficult issues to work out.  Well, over the weekend, the leaders of the two countries met, but it wasn't your usual diplomatic encounter.  hey call it cricket diplomacy. If you're not getting along with your neighbors, invite them over for a game.

Tags: pakistan, afghanistan, cricket diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd

Sydney Symphony Orchestra Honoured in Australia-China Awards

The Sydney Symphony Orchestra has a won a prize in the inaugural Australia-China achievement awards.  The orchestra won in the arts section of the awards, which are administered by the Australia-China Council at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Tags: australia, china, Cultural Diplomacy, music diplomacy

Putin, the 'Bad Guy' in Global Diplomacy

The image of the Russian leader has not improved after American magazine Forbes declared him the most powerful man on Earth for the second year in a row, with US President Barack Obama as a runner-up.

Tags: vladimir putin, government pd, public opinion, global opinion

Coming Soon in CPD's E-book Collection: "Rising Soft Power: India"

The initiative seeks to provide a deeper understanding of public diplomacy practices and trends in emerging markets of different political persuasions, against the backdrop of increasing multi-polarity and shifting world order. 

Tags: south asia, india, e-book, bollywood, soft power, emerging markets

Competing With American Soft Power in India

Russia’s appeal among the Indian public is limited to the intellectual elite and those with nostalgia for the golden age of socialism. The time has come to reach out a wider set of Indians.

Tags: united states, india, russia, soft power, cnn, russian literature, american entertainment industry, vladimir putin, goodwill, educational exchanges

India to Explore US Assistance in Setting Up IIT Campus

India and US today decided to boost cooperation in the field of higher education including exploring possible American assistance in setting up a new IIT campus. 

Tags: india, united states, IIT, cooperation, higher education, India-US Higher Education Summit, vocational skills, community colleges, richard stengel

Public Diplomacy Forum Explores Ways to Win Hearts, Minds of People in U.S., S. Korea

Scholars and journalists from South Korea and the United States kicked off a forum on public diplomacy Monday, exchanging assessments and ideas about how better to reach out and win the hearts and minds of the people of the two allies.

Tags: public diplomacy forum, hearts and minds, united states, south korea, cultural development, korean media


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