A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Koala Diplomacy: Australian Soft Power Saves the Day at G20

Never before has Australia been more at the heart of global affairs. Here in Brisbane we have finished our year as G20 President, with the G20 leaders presenting their communiqué.

Tags: koala diplomacy, australia, Brisbane, G20 Summit, soft power, obama, tony abbott, un security council

Ignorant Jihadis 'Have Bought into Fantasy Fuelled by Social Media'

Young Australians travelling overseas to take up arms with the militant group Islamic State have naively bought into a fictional fantasy fuelled by social media, a human rights activist says.

Tags: isis, social media, new technologies, digital diplomacy, australia, islam

Brand India Needs Some Serious Makeover. Ranks Worst Among BRIC Nations

Our PM Narendra Modi is leaving no stone unturned to create a positive image of India among foreign investors and capitalists. But it seems we need some serious makeover and efforts to improve the branding of our nation, as compared to other developed nations, we are still a beginner.

Tags: india, nation branding, global image, brics, narendra modi, anholt-gfk roper nation brands index

Cheaper Bali Holidays, But Not Better Ties

Indonesia announced last week that it will scrap visa on arrival fees for Australians in an attempt to boost the number of visitors to the country. While this may lead to a small increase in Australian tourists visiting Bali, what the government really needs to do to increase people-to-people exchange to make it easier for young people to work and study in Indonesia ultimately facilitating deeper economic, political and cultural relations.

Tags: bali, indonesia, tourism, international exchange, citizen diplomacy

Band Aid 2014: UK Artists Rally Against Ebola

A cast of UK artists and celebrities gathered, with the guidance of Sir Bob Geldof, in a song aimed at raising money to aid in the Ebola crisis, the Daily Mail reported.

Tags: music diplomacy, aid diplomacy, ebola, global health diplomacy, united kingdom, non state pd

Conflict Kitchen Reopens, Brings Cultural Understanding With Food and Programs

“In September, Conflict Kitchen announced it would serve Palestinian food and celebrate Palestinian culture,” The Washington Post reported, “This choice — a chance to sell familiar dishes such as hummus and falafel with the lesser known, such as ­rumaniyya, maftoul and namoura — turned into more than just a menu change.”

Tags: conflict kitchen, gastrodiplomacy, cultural exchange, cultural understanding, united states, palestine, palestinian food, social activism

Boko Haram Tries its Hand at Soft Power

BOKO Haram has massacred scores of children, gloated about the kidnap and enslavement of more than 200 teenage girls and killed thousands more in a brutal five-year uprising to create a strict Islamic state in northeast Nigeria. But the Islamist rebels’ latest video showing an unidentified community happy to be under their control is a departure for a group whose trademark has been brutal hit-and-run attacks against civilians.

Tags: boko haram, soft power, branding video, kidnap, violence, Islamist rebels, Adamawa state, commercial activity

PHL Embassy's Mobile Radio App Brings OFWs Together Online

Filipinos around the world can now have an easier time connecting to home with an app of the Philippine Embassy in Washington's virtual radio on their smartphones.

Tags: philippines, philippine embassy, radio app, mobile, digital diplomacy, washington dc


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