A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China Media: G20 Diplomacy

Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking at the close of the G20 in Australia on Sunday, said that China was confident it could fulfill its role as the chair of the 2016 summit, after Turkey in 2015.

Tags: G20 Summit, australia, Brisbane, host country, china, apec, united states

China's Blitz Against Corruption Hits Some U.S. Travel Companies

Chinese President Xi Jinping's crackdown on government corruption, which began almost two years ago, has had a profound impact in China itself.  It is also hurting a specialized niche of the U.S. tourism industry. 

Tags: china, corruption, tourism, united states

Islamic State Poaches International Aid for Syrians

Islamic State has been seizing foreign aid destined for the neediest Syrians to redistribute under its black flag—the latest tactic in the extremist group’s quest for power.

Tags: global aid, aid diplomacy, isis, syria, international development

Animal Gifts Smooth Diplomatic Relations

G20 leaders in Brisbane have engaged in so-called koala diplomacy, cuddling the typically Australian creatures, but over the years, various animals have played a role in diplomatic occasioins involving China. 

Tags: animal diplomacy, china, Cultural Diplomacy, panda diplomacy, history and theory

China's State Broadcaster Struggles to Silence Criticism it is a Propaganda Machine

CCTV America promotes itself as the "media crossroads where news and views about the world's two largest national economies intersect and sometimes collide".

Tags: china, international broadcasting, propaganda, united states

Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Vary Widely Across Globe

In our international surveys at the Pew Research Center, we explore how people in countries around the world differ on a wide range of political, economic, and social topics. But very few issues generate the kind of differences we see when we ask about homosexuality.

Tags: africa, americas, asia pacific, europe, middle east, south asia, homosexuality, pew research center

Sweden Launches its own Font Based on 'Scandinavian Minimalism'

It is a country known for ABBA, meatballs and flat-pack furniture - and Sweden is hoping its latest export will be just as easy to recognise.  The Swedish government has launched a national typeface based on 'Scandinavian minimalism' that it hopes will give its posters, signs and websites a cohesive look.

Tags: sweden, scandinavia, nation branding, Cultural Diplomacy

The Path of Post-Soviet Europe isn't on the Map in the Middle East

The fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago this month signaled the unmatched strength of U.S. economic and military power, but it also reflected the seductive charisma of American democracy and its open, pluralistic, prosperous society — or so Americans thought at the time.

Tags: europe, middle east, soft power, united states, democracy


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