A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Americans Think Globally, Connect Locally at Citizen Diplomacy Summits Across the United States

 Beginning this week, the U.S. Department of State, in partnership with Global Ties U.S., will sponsor the Diplomacy Begins Here series - eight citizen diplomacy summits in communities across the United States. The summits will bring attention to the critical role that public and citizen diplomacy play in building a more peaceful, prosperous world at home and abroad. 

Tags: citizen diplomacy, united states, us state department, Global Ties U.S., citizen diplomacy summits

PM Narendra Modi Pushes for Regional Connectivity, Increased Cultural Contact in Myanmar

The focus was on beefing up engagement between the two nations in the areas of trade and commerce. Modi is learnt to have made a strong push for improving regional connectivity as a booster to trade and increased people-to-people cultural contact.

Tags: india, myanmar, regional public diplomacy, government pd, Cultural Diplomacy, people-to-people engagement

You Don’t Celebrate Singles Day Yet — But Don’t Worry, You Will

We cheer the Brazilian soccer team and find our inner peace through yoga. But what is the flagship example of Chinese soft power? It might just be a day of shopping and singledom.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, soft power, holidays, brazil, india, western audience

Russia Sets Up New Propaganda Channel, to Broadcast Also in Estonian

Russia has launched a new international multimedia information agency Sputnik that plans to broadcast in 30 languages including Estonian and Latvian.  In 2015, Sputnik intends to broadcast over 800 hours of radio programming a day, covering over 130 cities and 34 countries.

Tags: russia, propaganda, international broadcasting, estonia, latvia

ISIS is Waging Another War — on Culture and History

“[ISIS] is not only decapitating individuals, they’re trying to decapitate civilizations,” says Richard Stengel, the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. “They are purposely destroying monuments and relics, and trying to destroy some of the important symbolism of Islamic unity going all the way back to the 7th and 8th century.”

Tags: isis, Cultural Diplomacy, islam, faith diplomacy, public diplomacy

Questions Over China’s Climate Change Plan

A pledge on Wednesday from President Xi Jinping of China to help fight climate change is expected to send a strong signal, since meeting global emissions-reduction goals will require sustained efforts from Beijing in curbing the country’s addiction to coal and greatly bolstering sources of renewable energy, analysts and policy advisers say.

Tags: china, united states, apec, climate change, beijing, renewable energy, obama, xi jinping

China's Ebola Aid a Mere Pittance

Near the top of the list of issues Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping of China will discuss at this week's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Beijing is their cooperation on containing Ebola. 

Tags: china, ebola, xi jinping, obama, apec, beijing, economic cooperation

A tale of U.S.-China Contrasts: Obama Sounds Conciliatory, Xi Sounds Competitive

After days of behind-the-scenes lobbying by U.S. officials, Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed, as a gesture of diplomacy, to take a question at a news conference with President Obama. His answers, after being put on the spot Wednesday, were anything but diplomatic.

Tags: obama, President Xi Jinping, apec, China-U.S. relations, news conference, hong kong


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