A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkish Foreign Policy is Void

Turkey's image in the global arena is an extremely negative one. To be honest, the world has never seen Turkey as an advanced democracy. There is an emerging almost mainstream international approach to Turkey that is very negative, if not humiliating.

Tags: turkey, public opinion, global opinion, soft power, democracy

Feds and WHO Discuss Canadian Ebola-Related Travel Restrictions

International health law experts say Canada’s move to stop issuing visas to people from the affected countries contravenes the International Health Regulations (IHR), a treaty Canada helped revise after the 2003 SARS outbreak. Earlier this week the WHO asked Canada for the scientific and public health rationale underpinning the decision.

Tags: ebola, canada, travel restrictions, world health organization, restricted visas, international health regulations

Efforts Underway to Stop Syria's Foreign Fighters From Bringing Violence Home

The United States and its partners are focusing their military might on stopping the spread of the group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and on disrupting IS operations in Syria. Behind the scenes, however, efforts also are underway to prevent the violence from spreading back to Europe and the United States.  

Tags: syria, violence, europe, united states, islamic state, iraq, jihadists, cia, richard stengel

Modi’s India and Pakistan

India-Pakistan relations are not on the mend. They are deteriorating. Invitations to the heads of SAARC countries to attend the inauguration of Narendra Modi was really meant to signal that a new kind of leadership in India was at the helm, one with a different vision and approach to national and international affairs.

Tags: india, pakistan, narendra modi, Kashmiri, un general assembly, terrorism, international affairs

Chant for Friendship of Venezuela and Sudan

The Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, The Council for International People's Friendship, Rashid Diab Arts Centre and Al-Faisal Cultural Centre launched recently a traditional Venezuelan and Sudanese songs dedicated to friendship between peoples on October 22nd, 2014.

Tags: popular diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, venezuela, sudan, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Rashid Diab Arts Centre, Al-Faisal Cultural Centre, friendship, music diplomacy

China to Establish $40 bln Silk Road Infrastructure Fund

China will contribute $40 billion to set up a Silk Road infrastructure fund to boost connectivity across Asia, President Xi Jinping announced on Saturday, the latest Chinese project to spread the largesse of its own economic growth.

Tags: china, silk road infrastructure fund, economic growth, asia, soft power, apec

Europe’s Past Offers insights into Present Diplomacy

USC international relations expert studies the art and practice of negotiations.

Tags: negotiation, diplomacy, europe, germany, united states, isil, theory of diplomacy, conflict resolution

At the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, an Exhibit of Theater Posters as High Art

Twitter. Facebook. E-mail blasts. Such phenomena may be a boon to Information Age theaters seeking publicity. But will cyber-marketing ever attain the level of high art, as a much older marketing medium — the theater poster — has frequently done? 

Tags: slovenia, theater posters, Cultural Diplomacy, cyber-marketing, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Joze Domjan, art


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