A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Meet the Reason that Big Israel-Diaspora Initiatives are Going Nowhere

Ever since Naftali Bennett put his man Dvir Kahana at the helm of the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, major world Jewry efforts have lost all momentum.

Tags: israel, diaspora, Dvir Kahana, Diaspora Affairs Ministry, The World Jewry Initiative, jerusalem

Iran, Poland Keen to Broaden Cultural Ties

During the meeting in the Iranian capital today, Head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkman and Polish Deputy Culture Minister Monica Smullen explored avenues for reinvigorating and bolstering mutual cooperation in different cultural areas.

Tags: iran, poland, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural ties

The Afghan Elections: A Counterinsurgency Perspective

According to counterinsurgency strategist David Galula, the clearest way to take support away from an insurgent is to hold successful elections. Elections are the most visible way a population demonstrates their choice for the government rather than the insurgent. 

Tags: middle east, afghanistan, taliban, Afghan elections, counterinsurgency, Afghan President

Britain Needs to Understand What an Incomparable Asset it has in the BBC World Service, Argues its Outgoing Head

It’s a shame that not enough people back in the UK realise the value this 82-year-old institution has for Britons travelling overseas, whether they’re doing business or seeing the sights.

Tags: great britain, bbc, international broadcasting, soft power

Times Reporter Views North Korean Art Exhibition with a Distinctly British Flavour

Walking up to the embassy of the most closed nation on Earth and finding the door wide open is a strange feeling.  But last week the Acton-based embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, better known as North Korea, was open to the public for an art exhibition.

Tags: north korea, great britain, art diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, public diplomacy

N. Korea Releasing Two Americans Shows Kim Feels Pressure

North Korea’s release of two detained Americans signals Kim Jong Un is responding to pressure from international sanctions over its weapons program and a probe of human-rights violations, analysts said.

Tags: north korea, kim jong un, united states, americans released, blackmail diplomacy, international community

Russia Today Threatened with Ofcom Sanctions Due to Bias

Russia Today has been threatened with statutory sanctions by media regulator Ofcom after the Kremlin-backed news channel breached broadcasting regulations on impartiality with its coverage of the Ukraine crisis.

Tags: russia today, international broadcasting, broadcasting regulations, impartiality, Ukraine crisis, Ofcom, the United Kingdom

Seychelles: Mancham Calls On United Nations for the Creation of a World Water Organisation

The former president of the Seychelles, James Mancham, has called on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon for the creation of a UN organisation that would seek resolutions for the water crisis facing the world.

Tags: seychelles, united nations, world water organization, water crisis, ban ki-moon, hydro-diplomacy


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