A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Foreign Policy in 140 Characters: How Technology is Redefining Diplomacy

The digital revolution has had a massive impact on the practice of foreign policy, revealing challenges and opportunities for modern diplomacy. But where is the line drawn between confidentiality and transparency?

Tags: foreign policy, united states, social media, digital diplomacy, diplomacy, transparency

Peres Heads to India to Launch Food Security Project

As part of the Green Revolution, Peres and Prime Minister Narandra Modi will launch the infrastructure for a wide ranging Food Security and water technology project.  Peres will also undertake a mission of public diplomacy to explain Israel’s case to the Indian media.

Tags: israel, india, shimon peres, international development, public diplomacy, narendra modi

Top British Spy Warns of Terrorists’ Use of Social Media

One of Britain’s highest-ranking intelligence officials on Tuesday castigated the giant American companies that dominate the Internet for providing the “command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals” and challenged the companies to find a better balance between privacy and security.

Tags: great britain, social media, new technologies, digital diplomacy, terrorism, isis, united states

Russia’s Public Diplomacy: In Search of Recognition (Part 2)

In the West, Russia tries to reach out to fringe groups – for lack of a better term – whether on the left or the right, who are unhappy with their current governments and would be willing to form a discursive partnership, even if temporary, with Russia.

Tags: russia, public diplomacy, vladimir putin, united states, brics

Somaliland: Canadian Public Diplomacy to Empower Regional Education

The Canadian Friends of the University of Hargeisa School Social Work Committee was formed in 2008 to explore the idea of a Social Work program at the University of Hargeisa, located in the politically stable city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. 

Tags: somaliland, canada, public diplomacy, international development, international exchange

How South Korea Drives Asia's Love Affair with Cosmetics

"The success of South Korean brands has a lot to do with Chinese consumers copying the style of South Korean soap opera and music stars," Rudd told CNN. "They'll even go so far as to get the particular products being used by these stars. The stores will try to get in the exact shades that South Korean actresses are using."

Tags: south korea, china, cosmetics, soft power, asia, emerging middle class

Cuba’s Ebola Diplomacy

On September 12th, President Raúl Castro’s health minister announced that Cuba would send nearly five hundred health-care professionals to West Africa.(...)No other country, to date, has contributed as many trained health-care professionals to the Ebola crisis as Cuba has. 

Tags: cuba, ebola, international aid, united nations, u.n. security council, west africa, U.N. Mission for Ebola Emergency Response

Indonesia Losing the Race in Soft Power Campaign

Public diplomacy is a key pillar of a country’s foreign policy toolkit. (...) Indonesian leaders have tended to focus their attention on other foreign political elites through foreign policy initiatives like the Bali Democracy Forum and interfaith dialogues rather than promote cultural diplomacy.

Tags: indonesia, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, public diplomacy, non state actors, faith diplomacy


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