A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Behind the Surge of Unaccompanied Child Migrants to the US

Officials estimate more than 57,000 unaccompanied children have been detained after entering the US so far this year, a one hundred percent increase from 2013. This led US President Barack Obama, among others, to label this flow of under-aged immigrants a “humanitarian crisis.” 

Tags: central america, united states, immigrants, unaccompanied minors, us central-america relations, humanitarian crisis, human rights

China Launches Culture Center in Laos

Lao Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Savankhone Razmountry, for his part, said the establishment of Chinese culture center is of great significance which will promote the friendly exchanges between the two nations.

Tags: china, laos, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural relations, international exchanges, tourism

Dokaben Creator Shinji Mizushima Inducted Into Order of the Rising Sun

Douglas McGray used the idea of soft power to describe the "Cool Japan" phenomenon. Cool Japan has become a program supported by the Japanese government and various companies that promotes modern Japanese culture such as anime and manga abroad.

Tags: japan, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, cool japan

Azerbaijan, Hungary Discuss Cultural Relations

Azerbaijani Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev has met Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto.  Peter Szijjarto said Azerbaijan and Hungary enjoyed strong relations in a variety of fields, including cultural one.

Tags: azerbaijan, hungary, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural relations, government pd

Think Tanks Face Hurdle in Answering Xi Jinping's Call

In calling for a new type of Chinese think tank, President Xi Jinping wants institutions that can compete with American ones in spreading soft power abroad and help refine policies at home, analysts say.

Tags: think tanks, soft power, united states, xi jinping, china

US Diplomat: Foreign Aid, Awareness Help Slow Ebola Infection Rates

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said there are positive signs emerging in the three hardest-hit West African countries that the Ebola epidemic is finally being contained. 

Tags: international aid, ebola, united nations, united states, west africa, samantha power, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. military, liberia

Australia and the AIIB: A Lost Opportunity

The debate about whether Australia should join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has gone beyond the realm of economic development and investment to hit at the core of Australia's apparent security dilemma.

Tags: australia, china, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, regional development bank, world bank, economic development

Envoy in Troubled Waters

The Japanese defence ministry reports that in the first half of this year it has had to scramble jets more than 230 times in response to Chinese incursion into its airspace. Chinese and Japanese military aircraft have been flying dangerously close over these waters in recent months, sparking fears of a major international ­crisis should they collide.

Tags: china, japan, military aircraft, east china sea, asia, australia, united states, trade, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit


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