A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Somalia: Global Anti-Piracy Conference in Dubai

The meeting which was organised and co-chaired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE and global marine terminal operator DP World, brought together Counter-Piracy experts from across the world including government Ministers, armed forces personnel as well as academics to discuss the progress and challenges of tackling piracy across the world, including off the coast of Somalia.

Tags: somalia, dubai, Anti-Piracy Conference, counter piracy, uae

Pope's Comments Create Ripples Not Just in News But in Pews Too

A couple of days ago, Pope Francis had stated that the theories of evolution and the big bang, which is today thought of as the origin of the world, "is not inconsistent with the notion of creation" and that it was possible to believe in both evolution and the Catholic church's teaching on creation. 

Tags: pope francis, catholic church, faith diplomacy, modern diplomacy

The Big Picture: How Film Can Fuel Development

Films are not only pieces of creative expression, they are also tools of communication and awareness raising, and a way of calling for social change.  The burgeoning African film industry is also a major economic driver.

Tags: film diplomacy, international development, media diplomacy, africa

President Xi Encourages International Cultural Exchanges

President Xi Jinping stressed increasing China's "soft power" by promoting exchanges with other cultures, he said in a written instruction to the China International Culture Exchange Center on Wednesday.

Tags: cultural exchanges, Cultural Diplomacy, china, soft power

Gazans 'Liberate Palestine' in New Computer Game

A new computer game developed in Gaza, “The Liberation of Palestine,” invites players to liberate Palestine by all means at their disposal, including force.

Tags: gaza, israel, media diplomacy, online games, israel-palestine conflict

Overcoming 'Abnormal Normality' in the US-China Relationship

Implemented properly, a “new type of great power relations” could help the U.S. and China reframe their relationship.

Tags: china, united states, diplomatic relations, bilateral relations, political ideology

Toronto School District Cancels Plans for Confucius Institute

The Toronto District School Board’s vote to cancel plans for a Confucius Institute marks the latest setback for China’s language- and culture-based soft-power initiative.

Tags: china, soft power, confucius institute, canada, toronto, Cultural Diplomacy

Hard Rock and Soft Power in New York

Concert promoters, artists and curators said China was a culturally diverse country, its people citizens of the world, and their contemporary culture needed to be presented in a global context.

Tags: china, new york, music diplomacy, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, hong kong, beijing


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