A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Counterterrorism Messaging Needs To Move From State to CIA

The State Department is trying hard to counter online propaganda from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The information battleground includes Twitter and video messages, terrain that ISIL knows well. In addition to having too little money and too few people, the department is forced to conform to federal rules requiring that its work be identified as coming from the U.S. government.

Tags: us state department, cia, counterterrorism, richard stengel, online propaganda, isil, iraq, united states

International Journalists Arrive on Edward R. Murrow Exchange Program to Explore U.S. Democracy and Media Best Practices

More than 90 international journalists from 80 countries will participate in the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, during which they will examine the rights and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy and observe operational practices, standards and institutions of the media. 

Tags: united states, news media, international exchange, government pd, international broadcasting

EU Confirms Support to Horn of Africa Ahead of High-Level Visit of International Organizations to The Region

Today, the EU has confirmed that it will support the wider region of the Horn of Africa with a total of €3 billion until 2020.

Tags: africa, european union, global aid, international development, humanitarian assistance

Chinese President Vows to Strengthen Ties with Mongolia

Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), hailed the development of bilateral relationship, highlighting frequent high-level interactions, increasing political trust and expanding practical cooperation.

Tags: china, mongolia, east asia, Cultural Diplomacy, international exchange

US Official Urges Allies to Combat IS Ideology

The United States is pressing Arab nations and other allies to do more to counter the Islamic State group's slick propaganda campaign, with a top American envoy on Monday describing efforts to combat the extremist messages as a vital pillar in the fight to defeat the group.

Tags: united states, islamic state, kuwait, government diplomacy, digital diplomacy

Building Legends in International Cooperation: An Interview with JICA President Tanaka Akihiko

Japan's top foreign aid official looks back on six decades of official development assistance and airs his vision for "cooperation with a face" and the kind of ODA that will be remembered for years to come.

Tags: japan, international aid, international cooperation, development assistance program, ODA, east asia, southeast asia, asean

India Embraces Soft Power — or Maybe it’s Bakshish Power

Project Mausam is Prime Minister Modi’s answer to China’s charm offensive.

Tags: india, china, charm offensive, soft power, narendra modi, Project Mausam, maritime culture, arabian and african coastline

The Making of a ‘People’s’ Foreign Minister

The fact that President Jokowi chose a career diplomat was no surprise. But eyebrows were raised when Retno LP Marsudi’s name topped the shortlist of candidates in the week prior to the Cabinet announcement.

Tags: hillary clinton, indonesia, jakarta, first female foreign minister, career diplomat, us state department, asean


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