Sound extreme? Shut down an institution born in the dark days of World War II, lasting through the Cold War, conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, into the new millennium and the age of the Internet and social media? One that...
Celebrating World Press Freedom Day
Happy World Press Freedom Day! Commemorate this international holiday with these CPD Blog posts about how public diplomacy can be used to encourage freedom of the press around the world.
1) Public Diplomacy and Press Freedom by Philip Seib. On why the U.S. should use public diplomacy to promote more freedom of the press internationally.
2) Press Freedom Under Pressure: The Widening Gap Between Turkey's PD Rhetoric and Reality by Ellen Huijgh. Exploring the discord between Turkey's democratic rhetoric and its actions.
3) The Fate of VOA in the Balance by Alex Belida. Reflections on what the Trump administration's anti-media environment mean for the Voice of America.
4) Tough Nut: BBC Plans a North Korean Service by Kim Andrew Elliott. The BBC is planning a radio service to N. Korea, and will have to navigate a landmine to do so.
5) Ukrainian Civil Society & Media in the Euro Maidan by Barbora Maronkova. Civil society rose to the occasion in the fight against disinformation in Ukraine.
Photos from top to bottom:
Photo by Afghanistan Matters | CC by-SA 2.0, Photo by Mark Male | CC by-SA 2.0, Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Photo by Thomas Cizauskas I CC 2.0, Photo by Frühtau I CC 2.0, Photo by Sasha Maksymenko | CC BY 2.0
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