CPD Publications, Analysis, & Multimedia

CPD Faculty Fellow Diana Ingenhoff and co-author Bruno Asdourian share insights from their study analyzing mayoral messages.

L.A. Deputy Mayor for International Affairs Nina Hachigian & Brookings Institution Sr. Fellow Anthony Pipa share the latest thinking on cities' growing role in multilateral negotiation.

CPD Director Jay Wang & CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri on the recent convening of U.S. city leaders on the front line of international cooperation.

CPD Director Jay Wang on a public diplomacy perspective during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

"To succeed in their global missions, cities, their home states and the federal government all have work to do," writes Kyle Hutzler of McKinsey & Co.

CPD Research Fellow Lindsay Benstead's analysis of Arab Barometer data from 15 countries spanning the decade between 2006 and 2016.

CPD Faculty Fellow Corneliu Bjola discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) may be integrated into consular services, crisis management, public diplomacy and international negotiations. 

CPD Research Fellow Zahid Shahab Ahmed and co-authors analyze social media discourse surrounding the Pakistan leg of China's Belt & Road Initiative.
