Each week, CPD features an article, report or book of particular interest to the PD community that has been added to PD Hub. Search its Online Library for more great content.  


Mystery, by Walkerssk

How do China and India compare in their use of Buddhism in faith diplomacy?

Edward R. Murrow

Philip Seib reviews Gregory Tomlin's work on the former USIA director.

Viktor Bondarev and Vladimir Putin, by En.Kremlin.ru

Has Putin's use of hard power created a soft power appeal?

City NYC, by Snapwire
February 21, 2017

Art and artists are under increasing threat from attacks and censorship.

The February 2017 edition of Bruce's List is now available.

Stockholm City Hall 03, by Stefan Lins

Russia's strategy toward Sweden blurs the line between public diplomacy and covert operations.

Water Pump ACF, by Julien Harneis
January 31, 2017

Water is not always a source of potential conflict, and can be used to promote peace, argues Sundeep Waslekar.

Helicopter Ride, by Sharonang

How South Africa uses soft power in foreign policy to maintain regional hegemony amidst a troubled economy and government.
