Data Mining Public Diplomacy Research Since 1965

A new paper by Efe Sevin of Towson University, CPD Research Fellow Emily T. Metzgar of Indiana University and Craig Hayden of Marine Corps University analyzed more than 50 years of English-language peer-reviewed articles about public diplomacy in order to help define the trends and boundaries of the field.

Starting with articles published in 1965, the researchers state that their work responds to a growing need to better distinguish the scope and applications of public diplomacy research, which encompasses a distinctly diverse and interdisciplinary approach grounded in real-world applications.

"Given its relatively short history as a focus of academic study, its frequently atheoretical bent, and its sensitivity to changing geopolitical landscapes, public diplomacy research presents a unique opportunity for a meta-analysis," write the authors. "The benefits derived from this exercise have the potential to extend well beyond the halls of academe."

Read the full article from the International Journal of Communication here.


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