Nelson Mandela may have died on December 5, 2013, but his legacy lives on. He changed the image of South Africa from that of a country despised for its atrocities to a “Rainbow Nation” (Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s term) that...
South Africa's Soft Power Future
South Africa under apartheid was denied a meaningful role in the international community due to targeted sanctions and isolation. Following the dismantling of apartheid, the country was thrust into the global spotlight and gained in moral authority. Since then, South African foreign policy has gone through several distinct stages. In a recent article for Insight on Africa, Olusola Ogunnubi of the University of Zululand zeroes in on strategic engagement as one such stage.
“Soft Power: The Fourth Tentacle of South Africa’s Foreign Policy” elaborates on the country's utilization of soft power in foreign policy. South Africa’s active civil society, private sector, global Southern identity, and public overtures toward multiculturalism and human rights are critical elements of the country’s attractiveness.
Ogunnubi predicts that, by drawing from its soft power resources, South Africa is set to continue as the continental hegemon despite a slumping economy and failed regional military involvement.
The full article is available here.
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