What did the public diplomacy conversation look like in 2019? To ring in 2020, we took a look at your favorite CPD Blog posts for the year: Cultural Diplomacy: Bridging the Study-Practice Gap By ...
Your Favorites: June Edition
To wrap up the month, we bring you some of the top CPD stories, announcements and blogs, that captured your attention. Below is a countdown of June's most popular features.
6. Covfefe Happened
Mark Dillen on the negative image of President Trump's first trip overseas.
5. Why the State Department Should Fund Cultural Diplomacy
Former U.S. Ambassador Curtis S. Chin on the proposed funding cuts to cross-cultural programs.
4. What If You Were a Refugee?
Laurence Desroches discusses a new digital storytelling campaign designed to bring attention to Syrian refugees.
3. Digital Diplomacy in the City of Dreaming Spires
On June 2, 2017, CPD joined forces with the University of Oxford to bring together 16 doctoral students for a spirited discussion on digital and public diplomacy.
2. Stop Inventing "New Diplomacies"
Shaun Riordan on how creating more subsets of diplomacy can lead to confusion about what diplomacy actually is.
1. Katherine Brown joins CPD Advisory Board
The former executive director of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is the newest addition to the CPD board.
Photos (from top to bottom): Original Photo by Juan Salamanca I CC0, Photo by The White House I Public Domain, Photo via iStock, Photo by JouWatch I CC BY 2.0, Photo by CPD, Photo by Nick Youngson I CC BY-SA 3.0, Photo courtesy of Katherine Brown
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