CPD Blog

The upcoming World Expo in Dubai offers an opportunity to form human-to-human connections amid the uncertainty of today's world, writes CPD Director Jay Wang.

How can organizations reinvent their PD during the current global crisis?

CPD Faculty Fellow and ACPD Executive Director Vivian S. Walker discusses public diplomacy takeaways from Malcolm Gladwell's recent book.

South China Morning Post correspondent Mark Magnier interviews CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull.

CPD Faculty Fellow Jan Melissen offers three recommendations to diplomats needing to reach citizens during a crisis.

Shay Attias, founding head of the Public Diplomacy Department in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, comments on the soft power implications of the current pandemic.

“Propaganda is not a moment in the history of communication, rather it is an element in the structure of communication," notes public diplomacy's lead historian.

Sudarshan Ramabadran of the India Foundation's Center for Soft Power discusses how India is working with Cambodia on the preservation of historic temples.