KIM Seung-ah told the tale of “Heung-bu and His Older Brother” to a Kenyan audience in Nairobi, on June 10, 2016, during the 7th Sigana International Storytelling Festival held from June 8th to June 14th , at Kenya Cultural Center.
Ewha Womans University is providing its online Korean studies lecture to a Kenyan university. The university said Wednesday that it launched a 16-week lecture series by Professor Min Byoung-won on the Korean economy and development for students at the University of Nairobi in the Kenyan capital on June 3. About 40 Kenyan students majoring in Korean studies are participating in the real-time online lectures.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has become a leader nobody in the West is eager to host, has decided to steer toward countries with leaders he thinks might understand him: Uganda, Kenya and Somalia. [...] It's become a tradition for Erdogan to begin his foreign travels with much fanfare and overdone public relations campaigns.
Kenya has been recognized for its aggressive campaign to position itself as the best destination for trade, tourism and investment through its initiative "Make it Kenya". The country received the Best Place or Nation Brand [...] in Dubai. The award follows extensive campaign by Brand Kenya that was initiated to revive the image of the country following several terror attacks that kept away investors and tourists therefore affecting the country's economy.
Barack Obama's historic election as President of the United States in 2008 was the first time an American of African descent had ever held the United States' highest position. Because of the President's Kenyan roots, many Africans were particularly excited for what they hoped would be the start of a new era in relations between the United States and Africa.
The US government has awarded a Kenyan for fighting terrorism in Garisaa county. Asha Hassan, 24, received the award of Emerging Young Leaders award 2016 on Thursday at the US department of state in Washington DC.
Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) has built one of Africa’s best known start-up ecosystems in Accra, Ghana over the last eight years—and now it’s doubling down on a push to take its vision pan-African. As MEST has grown, it has opened up its local entrepreneur training program to founders from Nigeria and Kenya who usually want to go back home after their year-long program.
![Photo reprinted courtesy Ryan Harvey via Flickr Rusinga Island](
The key to better cooperation in the Lake Victoria region might be the promotion of a subnational identity for Islanders.