nation branding

CPD has published a compilation of its blogs, PDiN Monitor articles, CPD Perspectives essays and other material on China and Public Diplomacy as its first eBook. Contents include pieces on China's Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, the Shanghai Expo 2010 and China in the News originally published by CPD between October 2009 and August 2012.

And the winner is... London? You would hope that for a country in recession – which slid deeper into it in the second quarter than many expected – and facing a crisis over the fixing of wholesale interest rates by its banks, the Olympic games that wind up on August 12 will give the UK a much-needed boost. ‘Brand UK’ desperately needs some polishing.

July 26, 2012

With the official launch of the Brand Ghana programme Tuesday morning, then Vice President, John Dramani Mahama discussed the importance of promoting a positive image of the country despite the many challenges Ghanaians currently face.

Recent studies of nation brand image, however, suggest that changing geopolitical trends could weaken that image. Economic power is moving eastward and our diaspora history is of receding relevance, even in the US. There is also evidence that younger people around the world are less favourably disposed to us than older generations.

China strives to project a profile on the global stage as a responsible state because some western observers remain wary of "an assertive China" after its rapid rise to become a global economical power house.

"Peru is a source of pride, a great country. We must begin to show it. Along with Promperu [Peru’s export and tourism promotion board] we will hold a cocktail party for 100 countries in London to promote the Peru Brand," COP President Jose Quiñones said on Thursday.

Australia is world famous for its beautiful and productive natural assets, the unique lifestyle and friendly people. But this is only part of the story. The challenge is ensuring Australia is known for being clever and not just beautiful; to make sure the achievements of our scientists, designers, artists and entrepreneurs are acknowledged, helping them to compete globally.

...that task fell to none other than British Prime Minister David Cameron, who, in September 2011, launched a “Britain is GREAT” promotional campaign. Coordinated by multiple government departments and foreign consulates, with events in 17 cities worldwide, the £37 million image project is designed to use the Games to jumpstart tourism and increase inward investment and job opportunities in the UK.
