nation branding

Michael Kahn Ackermann, former President of the Goethe Institute in China and now a senior consultant to the Confucius Institute, says a state's image cannot be built artificially, especially when it concerns culture. Countries naturally want to show their best side to the public, but Ackermann does not think there is any excuse for forming a "perfect" image that hides deficiencies.

Belief in something is very important, especially if one is selling a country brand. A country, after all, is an amalgam of the tangible and the intangible. It is a living thing with a soul that is a reflection of the many elements that make it up-including those little quirks that make it distinct and distinguish it from the rest.

The nation brand logo is not a new logo for the government, but instead a promotional logo for the UAE that shall be used to tell its story through numerous applications such as national advertisements, regional and international promotional events, TV shows, printed materials, etc.

We run a comprehensive mdia impact analysis of the positive benefits for South Africa for perfectly organizing the FIFA World Cup 2010. We also monitored in that study the extraordinary positive impact for the image of Spain as country champion of the competition.

"The main objective of the exposition is to promote Bangladesh's image, heritage and culture in Malaysia," he added...Besides branding of Bangladesh, the fair will also have special focus on bringing remittances through the banking channel from the Bangladeshis living in Malaysia to help the country receive more remittance flow.

The Brand Kenya Board has launched a campaign to market Kenya during the forthcoming London Olympics. The Board has secured a four-storey premise in London, dubbed ‘Kenya House’ where it will showcase Kenya as a top investment, trade and tourism destination in Africa.

Miller Matola, Brand South Africa’s chief executive officer, believes the 60-second commercial, unveiled with the new slogan on 4 July at The Theatre on the Track at Kyalami in Midrand, encapsulates the “can-do” spirit of South Africans. He trusts that it will illustrate the determination of the country’s citizens to overcome obstacles and find new and better ways to get things done.

The “American brand” features the United States as an incubator of creative goods and services, and of entrepreneurial companies, many of which spread their best practices through their products, trade partnerships and investments around the world.
