nation branding

"Incredible India." For tourism purposes, that slogan has served India well, but it is insufficient to convey the identity of a rising world power...More and more, India is a significant player in world affairs, and yet it lacks a consistent profile that it can present to the rest of the world.

December 16, 2010

As they prepared to face their second big strike in four years, America’s coal-mining bosses knew they had to do something about the newspapers. It was 1906—a time of rising resentment against robber-baron capitalism and the heyday of muckraking “yellow journalism”.

For most Qataris, the world's most watched sporting event represents a chance to offer a new image of their homeland and the wider Middle East. "This is not just for Qatar, but for the whole region," Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, wife of the country's ruler, told Reuters in an interview.

Minister of Information and Communication, Dora Akunyili, has decried the prolonged strike by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in state-owned universities in the South East, saying that it constitutes a threat to re-branding Nigeria project.

On December 10-11, Philip Seib, CPD Director, Nicholas Cull, CPD University Fellow and Director of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy Program and Eytan Gilboa, CPD Senior Scholar held workshops at the Public Diplomacy in the Information Age Conference & Workshops, hosted by CMS Academy, in New Delhi, India.

With a panel of experts arriving from various areas and sectors, Hungary’s Országmárka Tanács (Country Brand Council) is continuing its operation in a new structure, with new tasks. In a recent government decree, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice has been assigned with reorganizing the council...

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was pleased to welcome to campus, Dr. Mark Kristmanson, the incoming 2011 Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy. He gave a talk titled, "The Signature of the City: The Place of Cities in Public Diplomacy."
