nation branding

Copenhagen remains a strong brand, but despite spending 400 million kroner on branding the country overall, the Denmark still has a lackluster image abroad...Denmark’s position on the Anholt-GfK Ropers Nation Branding Index hasn’t changed at all over the past few years.

Korea’s national brand power ranked 18th in the world this year, one notch higher than last year, as measured in terms of scientific research activities, culture and other areas, a survey showed yesterday.

While the post-G20 summit data are not yet available, a survey conducted after the announcement of Korea as the host of a G20 summit showed that 65 percent of the respondents were aware of Korea, a figure that is significantly higher than the 47 percent awareness recorded before the announcement...

The tenth version of Africa's biggest mass road race, the Great Ethiopian Run, will to be held in Addis Ababa tomorrow. The organizing committee, headed by the prominent athlete Haile Gebereselassie, in partnership with the United Nations, launched its campaign of the 2010 Great Ethiopian Run with the motto: ''I am Running for the Child to Narrow the Gap to Meet the Millennium Development Goals.''

The local tourism industry appeared unimpressed with the new Philippine tourism slogan “Pilipinas Kay Ganda,” which the government launched Monday in a bid to lure more foreign visitors to the country.

Nation or country branding is about using strategic marketing to promote different aspects of a country’s identity. Country branding implies that countries behave in many ways like commercial and corporate brands.

It’s been a big week for dog and pony shows, particularly in Yokohama and Seoul. As both cities wheeled out their best tricks for regional and global leaders – and international media – for the Apec and G20 summits, it was the Koreans who pulled out all the stops to show that Seoul is now a proper rival to Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore. Well, almost.

Currencies, cars and cows all blocked U.S. administration goals in bilateral meetings ahead of the Group of 20 summit of the world's top economies that kicked off Thursday night in the South Korean capital.
