nation branding

It’s that time of year again. 12 October 2010 saw the publication of this year’s results for the Anholt Roper GfK Nation Brands Index. As has been the case in recent years, there are few surprises in this year’s result.

It’s that time of year again. 12 October 2010 saw the publication of this year’s results for the Anholt Roper GfK Nation Brands Index. As has been the case in recent years, there are few surprises in this year’s result. Obama’s US retains the top spot ahead of the familiar family of European big hitters and Japan.

Australia was seen as a "pariah state" by a growing number of countries after violent attacks against Indian students badly damaged its global standing, a public diplomacy expert said on Thursday...widespread publicity about crime against Indian students in the southern city of Melbourne, including muggings, beatings and a murder, had soured global views of Australia as a just and friendly nation.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority (BEDIA), Jacob Nkate, has dismissed claims that the new Brand Botswana logo might have been plagiarised from South Africa's Mpumalanga Province. Both logos feature the rays of the sun

A policy of branding U.S. aid to flood-ravaged Pakistan is risking the security of aid workers working in the Islamic nation, according to a group of relief organizations. Eleven aid agencies including Oxfam, Save the Children, World Vision and CARE International warn that using a “stars and stripes” logo on U.S.-funded assistance compromises their neutrality in a nation mired in anti-U.S. sentiments.

The United States continues to lead the world in global image, according to GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, a division of GfK Custom Research North America and Simon Anholt, the leading policy advisor. Results from the 2010 Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index(SM) (NBI), which measures the global image of 50 countries, shows the United States holding the top spot for the second year in a row as the country with the best overall brand.

The concept of "nation branding" has become increasingly familiar here as the government has introduced various programs to promote Korea's economic and social achievements abroad, and to attract foreign visitors and investment. In terms of global image, however, Korea lags behind its multinational firms such as Samsung, LG, SK and Hyundai.

As with many post-modern concepts the definition of nation branding and associated terms lack consensus. Therefore, as we pursue the Brand Ghana programme it is imperative that the terms associated with nation branding are understood in the context in which they are used by the Brand Ghana Office.
