
Check out CPD's coverage of South Korean public diplomacy over the years in our latest roundup.

February 15, 2018

An episode of the Global Journalist podcast takes a realistic look at the impact of the Olympics on the relationship between North Korea and South Korea.

The joint North Korea-South Korea women's hockey team to compete at this year's Winter Games marks a new step in Olympic history, says Robert Dunbar. 

Award-winning sports journalist Alan Abrahamson discusses the Olympic movement's role in global peacebuilding.

The Korea Foundation grant will fund several programs examining Korea's sports diplomacy and more.

[Foreign Correspondents] Sports diplomacy for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics

Arirang TV looks at the impact of the 2018 winter games on North Korea-South Korea relations.

August 1, 2017

Melania Trump has booked her first solo foreign trip as first lady, leading the U.S. delegation in September for the Olympics-style games for wounded military personnel. [...] More than 550 individuals from 17 countries are expected to compete in 12 sports in the September games. The figure includes about 90 American athletes.
