public diplomacy

Ambassador William A. Rugh on his most recent book.

Ali Fisher on ISIS' social media savvy.

A new position at Kyoto University, research on nation branding and propaganda, and an upcoming book on Japan’s struggle to “go global.”

Similarities Between Spanish And Arabic

This new video from USC Annenberg Media explores the similarities between the Arabic and Spanish languages, and reveals how language diplomacy can connect two seemingly diverse cultural communities in conversation. 

Testing newborn reflexes

A new paper from Tara Ornstein.

In the first few days since he won the presidential election in Argentina, President-elect Mauricio Macri has already shown a glimpse of what can be expected of his economic and foreign policy[...] includingrenewed public diplomacy, initiation of high-level economic dialogue, the offer of technical assistance on economic and trade issues, supporting the resolution of arbitration claims and conflict with the “holdout” bond-holders, promoting regional leadership and enhancing cooperation against drug trafficking.
