soft power

Soft power refers to the ability to change what others think and do through attraction and persuasion rather than compulsion and coercion. Scholars are still divided and failed to agree on an exact definition of soft power which remains loose and vague.

Pakistan is a land of unlimited talent and rich artistic tradition. [...] Pakistani entertainment at its current peak, have a tendency to lend a soft power status to the country. As one of finest cultural imports of Pakistan, efforts must be made to promote such creativity and talent.

Hit Taiwan TV drama “The Way We Were” is set to screen in Latin America next month, helping share the nation’s pop culture and soft power with viewers throughout the region, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aug. 12.

PD News headlines explore the Olympics Games as a vehicle for public diplomacy. 

The August 2016 must-reads in PD scholarship from Bruce Gregory

Music and politics in Japan have rarely been closer. From the government’s use of AKB48 member Haruka Shimazaki in a military recruitment advertising campaign to its funding of pop culture as a form of “soft power” through initiatives like Cool Japan, music has been used by the establishment to advance various goals. 
