CPD Event

CPD Faculty Fellow Corneliu Bjola will address the digital future of PD practice.

Join noted author, journalist and public diplomacy scholar, Philip Seib, for a conversation on his new book, Information at War: Journalism, Disinformation, and Modern Warfare.

Image of people in the city via iStock

To fully understand the dynamics within a city, we attend to actors across the municipal landscape, from representatives of city governments to representatives of urban neighborhoods, cultural districts, businesses and non-profits. The aim of this discussion is to extend conversations to the diverse players that constitute the city—those who are not only involved, but in many cases driving new networks and relationships with global implications.

What does a Biden administration say to the world? Find out from Pew Research Center on 11/16.

October 12, 2021

Find out more how global corporate leaders are solving problems from the private sector POV.

Find out who is taking home the PD Innovation Prize on Oct. 26.

Military computer image by aleksandarlittlewolf via freepik.com

The dynamism of today’s global information environment underscores an essential role of strategic communication for government agencies with international concerns, including the military. Although the U.S. Department of Defense established Cyber Command and encouraged the armed forces to expand their Information Operations capabilities, the military culture continues to look at the information domain as a sphere to influence only during hostilities. So what does information capability mean in this context? How should the efforts be aligned with the other agencies and partners?

Technology, culture and soft power come together in the desert at the 2020 Dubai Expo.
