A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Islamic State’s Rules of Attraction, and Why U.S. Countermoves are Doomed

The U.S. State Department is producing anti-Islamic State propaganda to persuade American and other would-be jihadis not to join the extremist group. It’s ham-handed, and often sarcastic, and unlikely to have the intended effect. Why? Because the department fails to understand how Islamic State attracts recruits in the first place.

Tags: isil, counterinsurgency, united states, recruiting, propaganda, us state department

Cuba, ALBA Take Lead on Ebola

Cuba is offering to throw the entire weight of its international medical mission at stopping the spread of Ebola and avoiding— in the words of Raul Castro— “a humanitarian crisis of unpredictable consequences.”

Tags: cuba, ebola, global aid, aid diplomacy, global aid and development

Pope Francis Has Enlightening Words for Anti-Gay Bishops

Pope Francis has doubled down on his progressive stance toward including gays in the Roman Catholic Church after conservative bishops stymied his efforts.  Francis shared his remarks after the bishops rejected a report from last week containing language they deemed too favorable to gays.

Tags: lgbt, pope francis, catholic church, faith diplomacy

No LOL Matter: FBI Trolls Social Media for Would-Be Jihadis

Sheikh’s case and several other recent terrorism prosecutions shed light on the growing importance of social media in the battles unfolding in Syria and Iraq -- both as a recruiting tool for Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, and as a means for the FBI to pre-emptively nab the would-be jihadis.

Tags: isis, social media, terrorism, united states, digital diplomacy, new technologies

Poll: 75% of Israeli Jews Oppose Palestinian State on '67 Lines

Some 75 percent of Israeli Jews oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state along 1967 lines, according to a new survey published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

Tags: israel, palestine, conflict, public opinion polls

How Technology Is Creating New Sources Of Power

However you define it, power is important because it allows you to get things done.  Whether you are a politician or an executive, you must seek power to achieve objectives.  Yet power never stays constant, but has always been highly dependent on context and, in today’s world of rapidly shifting contexts, emerging sources of power are often the most potent.

Tags: technology, soft power, power, joseph nye, power of information, max boot, modern technology, globalization

Cuban Missile Crisis – A Lesson in Diplomacy

Today, as the world is going through one of the sharpest crises of international relations in recent years, the Cuban missile crisis — or, as Russians call it, "the Caribbean crisis" — may help us understand some very important things. The most pertinent of these is the escape from "historical inevitability."

Tags: cuban missile crisis, propaganda, russia, united states, cuba

Soft Diplomacy and PPP Key to Somalia's Recovery and Combatting Al Shabaab Say Experts

Piracy, terrorism and criminal activities originating in Somalia can only be addressed by creating a climate of security, engagement and empowerment that will encourage home grown businesses, international investment and alternative employment for Somalia's young people.

Tags: somalia, soft diplomacy, public-private partnership, al-shabaab, public-private Counter-Piracy Conference


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