The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

A mother and child in Antigua, Guatemala

When it comes to understanding unaccompanied child immigrants, the U.S. is missing the mark.

A group of landmine survivors in Cambodia

At last, the U.S. has begun observing parts of the Ottawa Convention.

Chinese Soldiers in Beijing

CPD Blogger Fahim Masoud on what China must do to maximize its power.

Malala Yousafzai at Girl Summit 2014

Malala fills the whole world with hope...except in Pakistan.

Students outside the cafe at Banaras Hindu University

India deploys its ambassadors to speak to domestic audiences about hot-button issues.

Graffiti on the U.S. embassy in Tehran

Sohaela Amiri reviews the two nations' troubled history and offers some hope for the future.

An Ebola isolation center in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Former VOA Deputy Director on how international broadcasters can stem the tide of Ebola.

DARPA Big Data

CPD Blog Contributor Ali Fisher argues that big data can offer big insights for diplomats.



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