A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Triangular Diplomacy at Work Again with China, India and Russia

“Triangular diplomacy”, a term coined by former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger in reference to the confrontation and cooperation between the US, the Soviet Union and China during the cold war, seems to be back again, but in a new form and with new strategic significance. The strategy explained the informal alliance between Washington and Beijing; US president Richard Nixon and Kissinger managed, 45 years ago, to pit Beijing and Moscow against each other by forging a closer partnership with China

Tags: government pd, history & theory, triangular diplomacy, china, india, russia, united states, strategic partnerships

Music Brings People Together in our Shrinking World

Despite the current political climate where efforts to build walls, ban travel and separate different ethnic groups are increasing, an argument can be made that over time, the forces of globalization are simply too strong and, ultimately, will prevail. [...] This begs the question: What must our educational institutions do to effectively educate and prepare our children to succeed in this changing global reality?

Tags: music diplomacy, cultural exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, cross-cultural dialogue, globalization, education

An Artist’s Mythic Rebellion for the Venice Biennale

Mark Bradford, one of America’s most acclaimed painters, could not figure out what to put in the grand rotunda. This artist, who is set to represent his country in May at the 2017 Venice Biennale, found an unusual way of working long-distance. In a warehouse in South Los Angeles, not far from where he grew up, he created a full-size model of the Biennale’s United States pavilion, a stately building with echoes of Monticello. Then he spent the last year testing out his ideas in it.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, art, venice biennale, mark bradford, united states, architecture

Chinese Offer to Eat Denmark’s Oyster Problem to Extinction

Is an alien mollusk species choking your shoreline? Don’t despair. China’s ravenous, inventive internet users have an answer to unwelcome shellfish.They’re ready to devour them. The Danish Embassy in Beijing has been absorbing that lesson since it shared a report online this week about a plague of Pacific oysters, a stubborn, gray intruder that has spread explosively along parts of the Scandinavian coast.

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, we chat, china, denmark, weibo, internet, social media

Sao Paulo, the Japanese Cultural Hub of Latin America

Marcello Dantas, a renowned Brazilian curator celebrated not only for producing exhibitions, but also involved in filmmaking and opera production, talks about Japan House Sao Paulo and his plans as its director of programming and chief curator. [...] Japan House is a place to inspire people with the contemporary ideas that Japan has developed. Those ideas can be artistic, design-focused, architectural, technological, environmental, social, political or traditional. 

Tags: cultural exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, exhibitions, japanese culture, japan, sao paulo, brazil, latin america, japan house

The Young Indigenous Filmmakers Broadcasting Their Stories to the World

In one of the most remote communities in Australia, young filmmakers are sharing their stories and the world is watching. [...] Their videos capture snippets of life in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, in central Australia. It's a closed Indigenous community, open to few visitors. There's also no mobile phone reception and few homes have access to the internet. Leo says the short clips have captured the attention of viewers in many far off places.

Tags: international broadcasting, Cultural Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, film and television, indigenous communities, indigenous culture, anangu, australia, youtube

Intercultural Dialogue Reflected in Nakhchivan’s Cultural Monuments

Under the patronage of the President of Azerbaijan H. E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, Baku will be hosting the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue on May 5-6, 2017. The topic of this year’s Forum is: “Advancing Intercultural Dialogue: New Avenues for Human Security, Peace and Sustainable Development;” it is being organized in cooperation with UNESCO, UN Alliance of Civilizations and other prestigious international organizations.

Tags: intercultural dialogue, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural dialogue, religion, art & culture, unesco, un alliance of civilizations, nakhchivan, azerbaijan

N. Korea Seeks to Brighten Image with White 'Fairyland'

Ryomyong St is the third prestige project in as many years in the North Korean capital, and by far the largest, said to have nearly 5,000 apartments, which according to authorities will be distributed free to deserving citizens. Its name translates as “illumination” and the official KCNA news agency described it as “an icon of modern street architecture and a fairyland representing the era of the Workers’ Party”.

Tags: nation branding, global image, international image, Nation Image, kim jong-un, pyongyang, north korea


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