A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Africa's Indigenous Technology for Rural Women Economic Empowerment

Since economic and social settings of sub-Sahara African countries are to a large extent similar, the findings from Rwanda will undoubtedly inform policy making in most other countries. The objective is to influence the laws, policies and programmes that can address the historically disadvantaged situation of rural women much more effectively.

Tags: women empowerment, africa, ict, south africa, business development, rwanda, sustainability, new technology

Using Soft Power is Not a Hard Choice

Besides governments talking to each other in formal and informal settings, soft power is comprised of programs and policies that have an impact on people’s lives. Examples include PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), President George Bush’s signature initiative to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS; the prestigious Fulbright program, which for 71 years has brought scholars to the U.S. and sent American scholars abroad to teach and study; and our role in providing humanitarian assistance to countries in crisis. 

Tags: soft power, united states, pepfar, public opinion, foreign policy, humanitarian efforts, fulbright scholar, AIDS program

Colombia Is a ‘Smart Power’ Success Story

An analogy usually works as a low-risk way to make a point. The secret is to stick to comparisons that garner near-universal support. President Trump did it in February when he talked about the need for bold infrastructure projects like Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway System. Last year Sen. Lindsey Graham proposed a Marshall Plan for the Middle East. President Obama launched the Cancer Moonshot, a nod to the Apollo program. 

Tags: smart & soft power, colombia, united states, government pd, Opinion, latin america, global influence

The End of Foreign Aid as we Know it

President Donald Trump's vow to put "America first" includes a plan to drastically cut assistance to developing countries and merge the State Department with USAID, according to an internal budget document and sources. The administration's March budget proposal vowed to slash aid to developing countries by over one-third, but contained few details. [...] The document details how the Trump administration's plans to reduce direct foreign assistance would take place in fiscal year 2018.

Tags: global aid & development, government pd, usaid, us state department, foreign aid, aid budget, global influence

Road Diplomacy: How India is Isolating Itself in Regional Space

China has begun using the One-Belt-One-Road project, rechristened the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI), for expanding diplomatic engagement and securing strategic mileage. India might find itself strategically cramped as several countries from Asia and Europe get more committed to the Chinese connectivity plan, leaving India isolated. In a major public diplomacy exercise, China has announced scholarships for at least 3,000 students from countries and regions around BRI.

Tags: government pd, economic diplomacy, china, india, belt and road initiative, asia, europe, education, international exchange, road diplomacy

Middle East's Image Abroad to be Examined at Arab Media Forum

A high-profile media forum to be held in Dubai next week will feature an Arab News panel discussion examining the region’s image abroad. [...] A report titled “The Arab Image in the US” will be unveiled at the event. It is based on an exclusive survey of how the American public views the Arab world, conducted in partnership between Arab News, the Dubai Press Club and research and polling specialist YouGov.

Tags: international broadcasting, media, public opinion, nation branding, international image, middle east, united states, arab media forum

Culture’s Role as Tool of Soft Power and Economic Development

The many ways in which countries can cooperate in promoting cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue were the main topics discussed by the foreign ministers of Greece, Italy, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Peru, Bolivia and Mexico in the “Ancient Civilizations”  conference held in Athens on Monday. [...] Well-known Greek and foreign archaeologists, professors and museum directors from these ten countries spoke about the proposed actions and successful examples of culture management.

Tags: smart & soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, economic development, ancient civilizations, greece, museum diplomacy, cultural heritage, cross cultural dialogue

First Chinese Library Opens in Mexico to Promote Cultural Exchange

The first China-themed library in Mexico was inaugurated on Monday in a bid to promote cultural exchange.Books on Chinese history, art, culture, traditional medicine and music, among other topics, as well as digital and video archives, can be found at the new Chinese Library at Mexico City's Anahuac University. Officials from China and the prestigious private university were on hand to inaugurate the 14th library of its kind worldwide, as part of celebrations marking 45 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Tags: cultural exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, mexico, china, diplomatic relations, literature, education


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