A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Majority of Americans Say World Leaders Respect Obama
Although a majority of Americans (52%) continue to say foreign leaders respect President Barack Obama, this is down from 2010 and 2009. However, Obama's current position on this measure is more positive than was the case during most of the terms of Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
German NGO helps Armenian, Turkish students overcome grudges
Relations between Armenia and Turkey have been tense for decades. But students from both countries are working to improve ties, looking to Germany's reconciliation with the Jewish people and other groups for guidance.
Sderot conference hosts Gaza residents
A conference that opened in Sderot Monday, called 'Gaza-Sderot', brought a number of Palestinian residents of the Strip to the nearby southern town, where they stayed the night. The delegation was meant to include 30 people, but only 15 succeeded in gaining entry into Israel after fervent security measures.
American dream, made to order
Militarily stretched and economically strained. That's America, superpower with its hard power dented. But there's yet-unmatched American soft power, right? Democracy and Disneyland, Madonna and McDonald's, American ideals and American idols.
A soft power bargain
A fully funded foreign aid budget is essential to prevent the political instability and violent conflict that harms American security.
France’s dispute with Mexico over Florence Cassez moves from diplomatic arena to cultural stage
France’s "Year of Mexico," launched five days ago as a celebration of Mexican arts and culture, so far seems more like the year of clash with Mexico as relations between the two countries grow increasingly strained over the case of a Frenchwoman imprisoned in Mexico.
China, Costa Rica, and the Race for U.N. Secretary General
Costa Rica is the only country in Central America to recognize China and by lavishing such gifts on them Beijing is attempting what could be called ‘Public Diplomacy by-proxy’; where the other mainly poorer Central American Republics begin to diplomatically salivate after witnessing Costa Rica’s special treatment. Whether this works or not remains to be seen as no other Central American Republic has followed suit.
Time to walk the talk in MidEast
The end of the Mubarak regime demonstrates the falsity of commonly held stereotypes: Arabs reject democracy, Islam is incompatible with popular sovereignty, the grip of rulers of security states is unshakable.
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