A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

India’s soft diplomacy in Asean: Re-building a bridge that was never broken?

Indian premier Manmohan Singh’s recent visit to Malaysia comes at a time when India is also rediscovering its long historical and cultural links to the region, which scholars once dubbed ‘Greater India’. It coincides with efforts by numerous Indian bodies such as the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) to rebuild the cultural bridge with a part of the world that is so close to India, and yet somehow distant.

Tags: india, malaysia, asean

Looking for God at the Shanghai Expo: Religion, Nation Branding and the Soft Power Showdown in China

Last week the Shanghai Expo 2010 closed. On three sweltering days this summer I toured the vast and frenzied space that was the Expo. My objective was to see how the nations of the world were representing themselves to the Chinese public and how each responding to the Expo's official theme: 'Better City, Better Life.'

Tags: china, soft power, nation branding, Nicholas J. Cull

McHale Visits 3 Countries for Series of Societal Development Talks

Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith A. McHale will travel to Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and the Czech Republic on November 5-12.

Tags: united states, us department of state, judith mchale

Stay With Obama’s Opening to Muslims

In his first year, President Obama made the rebuilding of America’s reputation and partnerships with the Islamic world a central theme of his presidency. His commitment to the development of trusting, respectful cooperation with the Muslim world needs to be rescued, burnished and supported.

Tags: public opinion, faith diplomacy, islam, religion, muslim, yemen, obama administration

Eric Schmidt on Google’s Foreign Policy

Google CEO Eric Schmidt gave insight into the company’s burgeoning international policy on Wednesday night at a meeting at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York City. Schmidt, who oversees the company’s technical and business strategy, spoke about the effects of technological democratization in the modern age and some of the challenges Google faces as it drafts its early forays into diplomacy.

Tags: china, iran, non-state pd, technology, google

Mideast vying for a spot in film festivals history…

Doha has a prestigious Islamic art museum and Abu Dhabi is building offshoots of New York's Guggenheim and Paris' Louvre. But it is film festivals that have emerged as the prestige cultural event of choice since Dubai launched its version in 2004 - poster child for its drive to become a glamorous destination for the international jetset.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, film diplomacy, qatar, united arab emirates

Do Believe the Hype

The Hindustan Times carried a small news item the other day that, depending on your perspective, is good news or a sign of the apocalypse. It reported that a Nepali telecommunications firm had just started providing third-generation mobile network service, or 3G, at the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain, to “allow thousands of climbers and trekkers who throng the region every year access to high-speed Internet and video calls using their mobile phones.”

Tags: china, india, technology, internet diplomacy, nepal, mount everest

Looking For God at the Shanghai Expo: Religion, Nation Branding and the Soft Power Showdown in China

Last week the Shanghai Expo 2010 closed. On three sweltering days this summer I toured the vast and frenzied space that was the Expo. My objective was to see how the nations of the world were representing themselves to the Chinese public and how each responding to the Expo’s official theme: ‘Better City, Better Life.’

Tags: china, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, shanghai expo


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