A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

American Ballet Theatre comes to Cuba

American Ballet Theatre dancers promised pirouettes - not politics - during the troupe's historic visit to Cuba this week, the first by the New York-based company since shortly after Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution turned the island into a U.S. nemesis.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, cuba, dance

Moscow still loves sushi despite row with Japan

Moscow’s sushi obsession is set to survive the current dispute between Russia and Japan over the remote Kuril Islands. While the authorities squabble of the wind-swept rocks, the ever-growing passion for Japanese cuisine continues apace.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, russia, japan, gastrodiplomacy

President Obama, Asia is calling

After the midterm elections, Barack Obama will get a chance to follow a long line of American presidents who have had setbacks at home. He will go abroad. His long-delayed Asian trip this week - India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan - is by chance perfectly timed.

Tags: china, soft power, government pd, public opinion, barack obama

Shanghai’s World Expo: The Curtain Falls

Despite the official tally of 73 million visitors, the vast majority of them mainland Chinese, the world's response to Shanghai's self-proclaimed moment in the sun has been been a gigantic, collective yawn. And no wonder.

Tags: public opinion, shanghai expo, shanghai

Clinton Makes Bid to Improve Ties with Muslim-Majority Malaysia

Secretary Clinton also is scheduled to engage in public diplomacy with Malaysians by speaking at the International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization in the capital. She is the first U.S. secretary of state to make a bilateral visit to Malaysia since Warren Christopher in 1995.

Tags: hillary clinton, malaysia

Pouncing on Mai for Twitter postings

Last Friday, an official accompanying President Aquino in his state visit to Vietnam was criticized for comments posted on Twitter. Carmen Mislang, who holds the rank of assistant secretary in the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, tweeted that the wine served at a dinner hosted by Vietnam "sucks"...

Tags: social media, new technology, twitter, vietnam, philippines

Country brand. A differentiation mechanism and source of intangibles

Following globalisation and increased competition to attract tourists, markets, talent, investors, events, etc., countries conceive brand management as a key success and competitiveness factor as well as a key item in their economic, social and cultural development.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, europe

How Digital Technology Gets the News out of North Korea

It was shot on a cheap camera by a man who goes by the pseudonym Kim Dong-cheol, a North Korean with a double life. In addition to his job as a driver for a company, Kim also works as a clandestine reporter for AsiaPress, a Japanese news agency that's taken advantage of the digital electronics revolution to get reports from inside North Korea.

Tags: media, non-state actors, new technology, non-state pd, north korea


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