A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

World Citizen: The Threat to Political Stability in U.S., Europe

On the same day that voters in the United States went to the polls to throw a punch into the gut of the political establishment, some 5,000 miles away, police in Greece had their hands full with a series of bombs mailed to foreign embassies.

Tags: europe, barack obama, politics, political systems

Online Film Contest Focuses on Muslim Women

An online competition is now open for what's being called the first-ever international showcase of short films about Islam and women. The films focus on women of all faiths and backgrounds who are living in Muslim-majority countries, as well as Muslim women living as minorities around the world.

Tags: middle east, media, non-state pd, film diplomacy, women

In Indonesia, American Teachers Bridge Cultural Divide

When President Barack Obama visits Indonesia this month (November 9-10), he is expected to recognize the work of Peace Corps volunteers as a model for cultural and educational exchanges between the United States and the largest Muslim majority country.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, barack obama, indonesia, peace corps

Tutu campaigns against Israel

The former archbishop of Cape Town and Nobel Prize laureate began his retirement in early October saying he would watch cricket and sip tea with his wife. But he has sparked new controversy by stepping up his boycott campaign against Israel.

Tags: middle east, israel, non-state pd, celebrity diplomacy, desmond tutu

Indonesia: This volcano brought to you by Philip Morris

As Mount Merapi continues to erupt, cigarette companies sponsor rescue efforts...Known here as “corporate social responsibility” efforts, the disaster relief teams aim to augment efforts by a stretched Indonesian government to house, clothe and feed evacuees from the volcano.

Tags: non-state pd, indonesia, corporate social responsibility, disaster relief

Five countries where the GOP victory could make a difference

Foreign policy is typically the executive branch’s domain because that is the branch that decides who the US negotiates with and what gets offered in those negotiations. However, Tuesday’s Republican victory, particularly the GOP takeover of the House and leadership of some key committees, has the ability to affect the US's dialogue, and in some cases policy, on a few key US relationships with other countries.

Tags: china, united states, government pd, iran, afghanistan, israel, cuba, elections

A West Bank dairy farm churns out gourmet cheese

With funding from international organizations, a dairy farm in Tubas in the West Bank produces gourmet Italian cheeses with a little Palestinian spice.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, palestine, gastrodiplomacy, italy

Tunisia: Nation to Increase Flow of Italian Tourists

Tourism Minister, Slim Tlatli Minister received on Friday the board members of the Italian Travel Agencies Federation (FIAVET)...The minister gave an overview on Tunisian tourism and prospects for developing it.

Tags: government pd, tourism, tunisia, italy


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