A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Global defense forum in Canada seeks ‘holistic’ path

Defense Minister Peter MacKay opened the second annual Halifax International Security Forum in his hometown on Friday by calling for a new "holistic" approach to global security.

Tags: soft power, canada, global security

Taipei Flora Expo takes Taiwan to world

The 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, which begins Nov. 6, is the perfect opportunity for Taiwan to showcase its soft power to the global community, Taipei City Mayor Hau Long-bin said Nov. 5.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, taiwan

Native American Delegation to Build Bridges in Turkey

Representatives from 17 Native American tribes will leave the U.S. on Nov. 6 for a weeklong business, educational and cultural exchange trip to Turkey on Turkish Airlines’ inaugural flight from Washington, DC to Istanbul, organized by the Turkish Coalition of America.

Tags: turkey, cultural exchange

Korea Aims to Build Brand at G20 Summit

The fifth annual G20 Summit, taking place next week in Seoul, will aim to impress the Group of 20 world leaders and delegate with the country's high-tech advances — ultra-fast communication, portable broadband, Web-connected mobile television and other futuristic technologies — "that have become rather humdrum for Koreans," in one assessment.

Tags: nation branding, south korea, g20

Canada’s branding best in the world

Canada has the best branding of any nation, knocking the United States off its perch on the top of the heap.

Tags: nation branding, canada

Iranian Students to Obama: Don’t Forget ‘Student Hostages’

On the 31st anniversary of the hostage-taking of U.S. diplomats in Iran, a dozen of Iranian student activists and members of the country's largest reformist student group have called on U.S. President Barack Obama to follow up the case of current and former student activists who are in jail in Iran. In a letter to the U.S. president, the student activists call those in jail "student hostages."

Tags: iran, barack obama, iran hostage crisis

Interview: Top U.S. Diplomat Discusses Regional Developments, Abuses, Stalemates, And Cooperation

Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon recently returned from a trip to Russia, Poland, and Germany, and later this month will be in Lisbon for the NATO summit and NATO-Russia Council meeting.

Tags: united states, united nations, nato

Arabs Look to Istanbul

Turkey is not wavering in the slightest from its pro-European course. Nevertheless, as a trading nation with a dynamic economy that is the living proof of the fact that Islam, a secular political landscape and a parliamentary democracy are indeed compatible, it has in recent times rediscovered its Arab neighbours.

Tags: soft power, iran, turkey, foreign policy, palestine


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