A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Vatican hosting talks on religion in Iran

As part of a continuing initiative aimed at improving understanding between Christians and Muslims, a Vatican delegation will be taking part in a three-day discussion on religion and society in Iran.

Tags: iran, faith diplomacy, non-state pd, religion, muslim, vatican, christians

Image campaign

Koreans, both individually and collectively, have lingering concerns about their country’s international image. Their national identity is blurred by the existence of two larger neighbors whose culture and history are better known to the world.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, south korea, north korea, image building

Commander: Enemies Fearful of Iran’s Soft Power

"Cultural revolution is the main source of the Islamic Republic of Iran's power," Deputy Head of the Joint Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said. "If we didn't enjoy such a soft power, enemies would not launch so many invasions and they would not do such a vast lineup against us," Jazayeri added.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, iran, culture

Obama’s new bid to engage the Muslim world

In June 2009, addressing a packed audience at Cairo University, US President Barack Obama offered Muslims "a new beginning" based on "mutual interest and mutual respect". The speech was well received. The president was riding a wave of goodwill.

Tags: public opinion, barack obama, indonesia, muslim

Myth of American Declinism

Aided by an unpopular war in Iraq, America was said to be losing its appeal or soft power. The creation of the term "BRIC" to indicate the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China offered a multi-polar vision of a post-American world. And the European Union prospects seemed to offer an alternative to American power.

Tags: united states, soft power, public opinion

60 years of diplomacy: Korean embroidery reaches Spain’s shores

“I hope that the Spanish people will be able to garner a great interest in traditional Korean culture through the creative, embroidered works of Korean women,” said collector Huh Dong-hwa, director of the local museum, in a statement.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, south korea, art diplomacy, spain

Can Walmart and Coca-Cola make profits in Africa?

These new investments are a significant vote of confidence in the continent’s future. Looking beyond Africa’s image as a poverty-stricken, war-torn continent, Walmart and Coca-Cola are making substantial investments to capture the business of Africa’s rapidly growing middle class.

Tags: africa, non-state actors, non-state pd, corporate diplomacy

Queen Elizabeth II joins Facebook

The office of 84-year-old Queen Elizabeth II announced on Sunday that she is launching her own page on Facebook. The page will feature videos, photos and news updates about the long-serving British monarch. Facebook users will be able send messages to Buckingham Palace, and leave comments on the Queen's pages...

Tags: social media, new technology, new media, twitter, facebook, britain, youtube, queen elizabeth ii


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