A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Warm words, trade challenge ahead as UK woos India

Prime Minister David Cameron brought six cabinet members and more than 30 senior executives from leading British firms with him, in what Indian media described as the biggest delegation to visit since independence from Britain in 1947.

Tags: india, non-state pd, united kingdom, corporate diplomacy, trade diplomacy

Does Japan still need 23-yr-old exchange program?

Every year for the past two decades, legions of young Americans have descended upon Japan to teach English. This government-sponsored charm offensive was launched to counter anti-Japan sentiment in the United States and has since grown into one of the country's most successful displays of soft power.

Tags: united states, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, japan, language, english

Turkey: A vital player

The dramatic expansion of Turkey's influence is more than just the product of a hyper-active foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu... Turkey is doing what the European Union stopped doing when it ran into trouble over its expansion. It is using its soft power effectively.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, europe, turkey, european union, eu enlargement

UN declares access to clean water a human right

The resolution urges states and international organizations to provide financial and technological assistance to help developing countries "scale up efforts to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable water and sanitation for all."

Tags: science diplomacy, united nations, water diplomacy, human rights, water

Getting Digital Statecraft Right

As the history of past U.S. efforts to use technology to bring progress to other nations reveals, the United States should focus its current digital diplomacy efforts on small wins, not transformative victories.

Tags: united states, public opinion, new technology, hillary clinton, new media, us department of state, digital diplomacy, technology, 21st century statecraft

Afghanistan war: USAID spends too much, too fast to win hearts and minds

The US government strategy for improving its struggling reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan relies heavily on spending more money. More on bigger and quicker projects, more on aid workers, and more on monitors – a "civilian surge" to win hearts and minds.

Tags: united states, public opinion, afghanistan, aid diplomacy, usaid, humanitarian aid

Pakistanis watch TV series shot in Istanbul

...Asif Riza Mir, producer of the Pakistani TV series "Yariyan" (Friendships) and "Hal-i Dil" (State of the Heart) said Pakistani TV producers had decided to shoot their series in Istanbul as it was a well-known in Pakistan for its unique beauty. "I am happy that I influenced more than 50 million Pakistanis to love Istanbul," Mir said.

Tags: media, pakistan, turkey, non-state pd, television diplomacy

1 Soldier or 20 Schools?

One legacy of the 9/11 attacks was a distortion of American policy: By the standards of history and cost-effectiveness, we are hugely overinvested in military tools and underinvested in education and diplomacy.

Tags: united states, soft power, middle east, public opinion, non-state pd, barack obama, education diplomacy, military, humanitarian aid


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