A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Mapungubwe Cultural Heritage Festival Launched

The five-day event, aimed at showcasing music, culture, arts and wildlife, will be held from 20 to 24 September at Mapungubwe World Heritage Site, outside Musina. [...] The founder and director of the initiative, Makheda Khosa, said the festival aimed to increase exposure of Mapungubwe through fostering and nurturing the existing partnership between South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana through culture, heritage and music.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural festival, mapungubwe, south africa, music, heritage, arts, wildlife

Role of Sports in Realization of Sustainable Development Goals

The unique potential of sports to contribute towards achieving development has been recognized by the United Nations through a multitude of resolutions adopted by then General Assembly as well as the Human Rights Council. The contribution of sports was thus also recognized when the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015.

Tags: international development, sustainability, sports diplomacy, climate change, social inclusion, gender equity

Creation of a People’s Broadcasting Corp. in the Philippines

In his first State of the Nation Address, President Duterte called for the creation of a People’s Broadcasting Corp. (PBC), replacing PTV-4, the government-run TV station. [...] The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines recognizes the vital role of communication and information in nation building and the right of the people to information on matters of public concern.

Tags: international broadcasting, PBC, philippines, President Duterte, nation building, public information

How The Duchess Became The New ‘Princess Of Hearts’

When Kate Middleton and Prince William went to Poland and Germany, they were sent there on a Brexit “charm offensive” to help ease the tensions as Great Britain begins negotiations to exit the EU. The couple did more than charm the locals. They created magic.

Tags: soft power, celebrity diplomacy, kate middleton, charm offensive, brexit, great britain

Did the United States Interfere in Russian Elections?

Russia President Vladimir Putin denies meddling in U.S. politics — though he sometimes suggests, with a wink, that “patriotic” Russians may have done so. But there is one point that he always insists on: that the United States does the same to others. He has charged that the U.S. government interfered “aggressively” in Russia’s 2012 presidential vote, which Putin won after a year of protests against him. He claims that Washington “gathered opposition forces and financed them.”

Tags: election interference, cyber warfare, hacking, bilateral relations, russia, united states

YouTube to Redirect Searches for IS Videos

YouTube says it will redirect people searching for "violent extremist propaganda" and offer them videos that denounce terrorism. People searching for certain terms relating to the so-called Islamic State group will be offered playlists of videos "debunking its mythology".

Tags: digital diplomacy, technology, youtube, countering violent extremism, isis, redirect method

Afghanistan's All-Girl Team, Robotics Contest Represents Many Victories

“I hope we have made Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan proud,” Azizi said. Of that there was no question. The Afghan ambassador, Hamdullah Mohib, said greeting the robotics team at Dulles International Airport was the “proudest moment of my career”. He described the girls as symbols of a new Afghanistan emerging from the shadow of America’s longest war.

Tags: op-ed, international exchange, education, contest, robotics, female empowerment, afghanistan, united states

Fiji Seeks Aust’s Support in Black Rock Camp Infrastructure Development

Minister for Defence and National Security Ratu Inoke Kubuabola yesterday met with the Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. [...] “Fiji will pursue the establishment of the Regional Peacekeeping and HADR Centre and we hope development partners will join our efforts and look at a specific component of the model to support.”

Tags: international development, soft power, australia, fiji, black rock camp, infrastructure, peacekeeping


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