A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Sustainable Development Goals: the PD Opportunity of a Generation

With the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reaching the end of their lifespan, attention now turns to September's launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the UN General Assembly. Although the MDGs were partly successful, the consensus is that the world appears to have changed so much in the past 15 years that many of the assumptions and approaches are no longer relevant.

Tags: united nations, un sustainable development goals, public diplomacy, public diplomacy campaign

Momentum Gained for Olympics Cultural Move

Scotland could have a significant presence in the cultural events surrounding the Olympics in Brazil next year as well as Tokyo in 2020, The National can reveal. Culture chiefs from both countries confirmed Scotland could play a part in the events after they paid fact-finding visits to the Edinburgh festivals.

Tags: olympics, Cultural Diplomacy, scotland, british council

China-India Cooperation Center Formed To Boost Trade, Research

Two Chinese influential government-backed institutions have teamed up with an Indian media group to set up a multi-disciplined body in China to promote trade, research and people-to-people contacts. [...] This will be to collaborate in stimulating high-powered business activity, research and people-to-people contacts at decision-making levels in both private and public sectors, promote research in trade and culture as well as organize seminars and publish academic papers. 

Tags: china, india, trade, research, educational exchange, people to people diplomacy

Scooping Up Diplomacy: The ‘Invisible’ Ambassadors of Summer

The [CIEE Civic Ledership] Summit focused on teaching motivated young leaders from around the world about the power of diplomacy and how to become “changemakers.” These elite fellows were chosen through a competitive application process that received 1,200 applicants. 

Tags: ciee summit, civic leadership, united states, cross cultural understanding, social entrepreneurship

How Technology Has Revolutionized Diplomacy

But the “good old days” are long gone, and the volume and frequency of communication between a diplomat and her capital are the tip of the iceberg of the information revolution. Three fundamental changes to the nature of diplomacy stand out above the rest. The first and most important change is a shift in balance from government-to-government diplomacy to people-to-people diplomacy.

Tags: modern technology, people to people diplomacy, global communications

China’s Focus on Football Could Tilt the Global Game on its Axis

With hosting and qualifying for the World Cup finals listed as long-term goals, the authorities plan to substantially increase the number of young people playing football, with the number of special “soccer schools” raised to 20,000 after five years and to 50,000 in a decade.

Tags: sport diplomacy, soft power, international image, china, soccer

How to Fight the Islamic State

As it stands, the funding and coordination of America’s soft-power strategy is inadequate. But we know that hard power is not enough, particularly to contest the cyber territory that the Islamic State occupies – for example, by developing a capacity to take down botnets and counter hostile social-media accounts.

Tags: isis, hard power, soft power, united states, social media

Where Does the UK's Aid Currently Go?

Prime Minister David Cameron has promised that the UK will accept up to 20,000 more Syrian refugeesby 2020. To help fund this, Chancellor George Osborne says that money should be used from the foreign aid budget to provide support for local councils. He said there should be a "fundamental rethink" of how the aid budget is used.

Tags: humanitarian assistance, global development, united kingdom, syrian refugees, ethiopia, bangladesh, pakistan


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