A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rwanda and Ethiopia Inventing a New Africa

Rwanda and Ethiopia have suggested new development models they believe can help Africa break away from the prescribed Western models. The discussion, under the theme “The African Democratic Developmental State”, was inspired by ideals from the late Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, who believed that Africans needed to shape their own destiny by “doing things their own way.”

Tags: africa, ethiopia, rwanda, bilateral relations, sustainability, socio-economic development, developmental state

Musician Named Taiwan's First Fellow of 'United Nations of Music'

Tsai, who plays a Chinese string instrument called the "liuqin," will join with 24 other musicians selected from 16 countries and territories to participate in the OneBeat 2015 Program in the United States from Oct. 12 to Nov. 11.

Tags: music diplomacy, taiwan, One Beat

Soccer Diplomacy Still Kicking Despite Skirmish at North Korea Border

South Korea’s Unification Ministry, the country’s main agency for inter-Korean affairs, said an under-15 international soccer tournament in Pyongyang began on Friday and is proceeding as planned. The competition involves squads from countries that include China, Brazil and South Korea.

Tags: soccer diplomacy, north korea, south korea, sports diplomacy

This Map Shows China’s Hilarious and Racist Stereotypes of Europe

Foreign Policy has plotted the most common Chinese-language Baidu query for each European nation onto the map below. This provides a glimpse into how Chinese netizens view the peoples and countries of Europe — a continent whose industrialization once both humiliated China and inspired its admiration, and that has loomed large in the country’s imagination ever since. 

Tags: china, public opinion, stereotypes, racism, europe, internet

Kenya Plans to Showcase Cultural Heritage in Chinese Museums

We began discussions with three Chinese museums in March to explore the possibility of staging an international cultural exhibition and showcase Kenya's rich cultural heritage," said Kibunjia. He disclosed that discussions with Palace museum in Beijing, provincial museums in Yunnan and Guangdong would pave way for the staging of the international cultural exhibition soon.

Tags: kenya, china, Cultural Diplomacy, museum diplomacy, culture

Artists See Role in Fostering Culture of Humanity at Peace Fest in Mel Lastman Square

Kim, one of many artists, storytellers and playwrights that descended on Mel Lastman Square for Friday’s Peace Fest, seeks to share stories of the traumatic past to enlighten the present and preserve the future.

Tags: art diplomacy, citizen diplomacy, peace, war, peace fest

DJ Diplomacy: Tel Aviv and Berlin Exchange Culture Through Music

Music is a language that everyone understands, and music is above politics,” says Claudia Frenzel of Wanted! International, a German company organizing the musical exchange. [...] Today, Israel and Germany have doffed their starched formality and emerged as true partners. 

Tags: cultural exchange, music diplomacy, dj diplomacy, germany, israel

How Arab Women Are Fighting Negative Stereotypes with Art

U.S. museum visitors, who may not be intimately familiar with the Arab world and its gender dynamics, stand to gain a new understanding from viewing works by Arab women artists. The same would go for works by artists in any region that viewers don't know well. But there is a particular need within the Arab world for outsiders to see "beyond news headlines and night-vision photographs," says Sarah Hassan, a New York writer.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, art diplomacy, women in diplomacy, iran, yemen, egypt, islamic world, stereotypes


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