A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Hopes Face-Saving Plan Offers a Path to a Nuclear Pact With Iran

Over the years, the United States has shown considerable ingenuity in its effort to slow Iran’s production of nuclear fuel: It has used sabotage, cyberattacks and creative economic sanctions. Now, mixing face-saving diplomacy and innovative technology, negotiators are attempting a new approach, suggesting that the Iranians call in a plumber.

Tags: united states, iran, nuclear pact, middle east, public diplomacy, technology

Kenya Turns to Social Media to Promote Tourism

Kenya is set to use social media to promote its tourism industry that is currently on its knees due to security challenges posed by terrorist attacks. The East African nation will in the next months start using Facebook, Twitter, blogs and Instagram to reach out to potential tourists across the world in new and traditional source markets. 

Tags: kenya, tourism, nation branding, social media, africa

Islamic State: France Joins US Air Campaign in Iraq, Hitting Logistics Depot

France conducted its first airstrike against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq Friday, destroying a logistics depot, French President Francois Hollande announced. Although some countries have contributed humanitarian aid or military equipment to the Iraqi army in its battle against the advancing jihadists, France is the first nation to join the US-led air campaign against IS.

Tags: france, united states, isis, air strikes, hollande, obama, allies, middle east

The World Reacts to Scotland’s Decision Not to Leave the UK

When Scotland voted against independence in Thursday’s referendum, people across the world reacted with a mixture of relief, disappointment and trepidation at what the result might mean for other separatist movements. Yet while Scotland’s silent majority for unity won out in the final ballot, the Yes campaigners succeeded in making their voices heard, not only by the Westminster political establishment but in global headlines. 

Tags: scotland, separatists, united kingdom, public opinion, reforms, catalonia

What Should U.S. Diplomacy Strategy Be in a Time of Terrorism?

Without question, the Obama administration has been slow in coming up with a strategy to counter the threat from ISIS terrorism. This week, Rick Stengel, Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, made the case for soft power. He told a packed audience at the American Security Project his office faces challenges as momentous, but far more complex, than any the United States has seen since the fall of Soviet communism.

Tags: united states, public diplomacy, terrorism, soft power, richard stengel, obama, middle east

Latin American Festival to Open in Taipei

The Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Festival will get underway Sept. 20 in Taipei City, underscoring the government’s commitment to bolstering ties between Taiwan and countries throughout the region.

Tags: cultural relations, latin america, caribbean, international festival, taiwan, Cultural Diplomacy

Poll: Israelis Care More About Peace Process and EU than Iran

Israelis see advancing the peace process with the Palestinians as more important than confronting the Iranian nuclear threat, according to a poll published this week. Indeed, the survey shows, the public is more interested in the Israeli government promoting better ties with moderate Arab states and the European Union than in dealing with Tehran’s nuclear program. 

Tags: israel, public opinion, iran, european union, public opinion polls, israel-palestine conflict

Korea-China Partnered in Public Diplomacy

Eighty high school and university students from Korea and China took a pledge on Thursday: They promised to write only supportive comments on the Internet and encourage others to do the same.  The group pledge was part of a ceremony to launch the "Young Korea-China Adults Sunfull Cyber Public Diplomatic Corps,'' a joint project between the Chinese newspaper the People's Daily and the Seoul-based Sunfull Movement Headquarters.

Tags: public diplomacy, korea, china, international exchange, soft power, public opinion


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