
2019 CPD-MOIA Summer Associate Sophia Ketring reflects on her time interning with LA Mayor Garcetti's Office of International Affairs. 

CPD Faculty Fellow and Director of USC's Master’s Program in Public Diplomacy Nicholas Cull underlines the importance of a U.S. presence at Expo 2020.

Art and cultural nonprofits carry significant influence as non-state cultural diplomacy actors, writes CPD Blogger Leila Nazarian.

Theater can bridge history, geography and cultural relations to enlighten audiences in a way that the classroom simply can't.

August 26, 2019

Luigi Di Martino reconceptualizes listening in public diplomacy as a spectrum covering differences in engagement, goals and approaches.

CPD Research Fellow (2016-18) Alexander Buhmann and Erich Sommerfeldt examine how practitioners view public diplomacy goals.

CPD Graduate Student Fellow Nikki Burnett (MPD '20) shares her experience creating a short documentary video tour of the Dutch Embassy in Brussels, Belgium.

A new podcast features a diverse range of personal narratives from alumni of the U.S. State Department's international exchange programs.
