The upcoming World Expo in Dubai offers an opportunity to form human-to-human connections amid the uncertainty of today's world, writes CPD Director Jay Wang.
The dynamism of today’s global information environment underscores an essential role of strategic communication for government agencies with international concerns, including the military. Although the U.S. Department of Defense established Cyber Command and encouraged the armed forces to expand their Information Operations capabilities, the military culture continues to look at the information domain as a sphere to influence only during hostilities. So what does information capability mean in this context? How should the efforts be aligned with the other agencies and partners?
U.S. Foreign Service Officer Cameron Thomas-Shah reflects on Juneteenth 2021.
The nation’s number-two diplomat, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has circumnavigated the globe twice since being sworn in this April. In July, she was the first senior Biden-Harris administration official to visit the People’s Republic of China for wide-ranging diplomatic talks. On September 2, 2021, Deputy Secretary Sherman spoke about her travels and shared insights into the Biden-Harris administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy, challenges in Afghanistan, and next-generation leadership in public diplomacy.
A podcast co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt.
A podcast co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt.
U.S. Foreign Service Officer (PD) Ronald E. Hawkins Jr. provides recommendations for national security.
Jonathan McClory details recommendations for the U.S. to make a soft power comeback.