Middle East

CPD Research Fellow Ali Fisher offers tools for tackling the complex architecture of multi-hub information networks.

Javad Rad of the Payam Nour University of Bojnourd recounts his experience participating in the Arbaeen ceremony in Iraq. 

A fusion concert featuring Pakistani and Jordanian musical artists was the first collaboration of its kind. 

Natalia Grincheva of the University of Melbourne discusses her deep mapping tool to measure the soft power of museums. 

On the nation state’s viability in addressing climate change at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit. 

Girl Scout Kana Walsh writes why on this International Day of the Girl Child, the global community should explore ways to make humanitarian mapping tools more available to young girls. 

The rise of digital diplomacy was thought to lessen the importance of diplomat-journalist relationships, but recent experience indicates the contrary. 

The aim of this edited volume is to bring together perspectives and areas in public diplomacy that are under-explored. 
