Middle East

Countering disinformation through public diplomacy's communication strategies.

July 16, 2018

An analysis of common misconceptions about digital technologies as tools for diplomacy.

The second of a two-part series by Madison Jones on the soft power of ISIL.

The first of a two-part series by Madison Jones on the soft power of ISIL.

Ilan Manor details the start-and-stop nature of governments' digital diplomacy efforts.

Following the 2018 ISA annual conference, Ilan Manor offers his take on the positive side of digital tools.

Photo by InfiniteThought via Pixabay
March 8, 2018

Sohaela Amiri discusses cities' expanding roles at the global negotiating table, from climate change, to winning hearts and minds and beyond. 

Ilan Manor discusses how Network Gatekeepers can be harnessed to stop the flow of disinformation, hate speech and more.
